So I got the motor in, and changed the blower fan.

Put motor in, ran good. But its winter in MN so I had to change the fan. Got a new motor and promptly broke the squirrel cage. Sat and waited for a new one. Put it in and drove it 15 miles and was happy. Took vehicle out and lost power and died, intermittent start. Towed it home, changed cam sensor, started and worked great. Put 15 miles on and as soon as I got a block away from my house it ran rough, got into my driveway and died. Would start, pops through the exhaust, hits hard against starter like timing is way advanced. Assumed I got a bad sensor. Put a new one in today and after a lot of cranking (assumed it was flooded from trying to start it the day before) it started. Took it around the block, ran good. Blew the trans cooler line off. Put hose back on and started it up to see and it was fine. Put #1 replacement cam senor in and it was fine. Put #2 sensor in and it was fine. Put original OEM dodge sensor in and runs fine. Filled trans back up and was going to take it out again and started running rough. Waste $70 on 2 cam sensors. Never throws a helpful ECM code. FInally had an ECM code that I can scan, #7 injector, do some internet reading and TPS sensors can cause issues. Hook up HP tuners scanner and it says 13%, no movement, assume sensor is bad, buy new sensor, put it in, no start, fires against starter again, sensor didnt do anything. End up reading and found out dodge uses .5-4.5 volts unlike GM's 0-5. Waste $50. Can get it running but runs like garbage. Surging idle, wont start most of the time, dies easy, runs like junk at 2000-3000. Ill go out tomorrow morning and it will be fine.
I hate dodges already...Cant fix anything educatedly since there are no codes, nothing consistent that is broken to know if its fixed or not. Too cold to drive anywhere to tests well since Ill die of frostbite.