The Poor Should Pay Higher Taxes

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Why is it that the people who use the most government services pay the least amount of their income in taxes? I think that if you take government hand outs like housing assistance, Medicaid, or food stamps, your income taxes should be adjusted higher to help pay for it. If you don't take government hand outs, your taxes should stay the same. It irks me to no end that the rich have to pay a higher percentage of their income into the government when they do not benefit from these programs. I would also put a 1 year limit on welfare, after which you could receive no government assistance for 5 years or until you had paid back, in full, all of the money you had taken from the taxpayers. This includes any medical assistance too. It is time the poor stop getting a free ride. Make them pay for what they take.

I would also offer another proposal. If someone feels like they need to live only off the government, they can work a moderate amount of hours a week, maybe only 60 hours, for the government doing whatever is required in exchange for a minimal lifestyle. This would include basic foods, a cot and medical care. Their labor could then be sold to corporations or individuals needing work done at a profit to the government. They could opt out at any time, but would then need to find alternate means of sustaining themselves.
Poor people don't pay taxes. People in the top 50% income bracket pay 96% of income taxes. So when you hear Democrats promoting tax cuts for the poor, keep in mind that they really aren't paying taxes to begin with.
You will get no argument from me there. I am just tired of the bloat of government socialism we seem to have now, and am terrified of what is in store for us when this evil man we have as President gets his way. I want to go back to a time of simpler government. A time when it did not try to do all things for all people. A time when the average American didn't see 50% of his or her income stolen from him or her to pay for silly programs that mostly only benefit the bureaucrats hired to administer them. The New Deal and The Great Society have been abysmal failures. It is time we move on from that way of thinking and stop uselessly wasting the taxpayer's money on people who derive no real benefit from it. If they did, most of them would move on instead of suckling off the system for most of their lives. That is why I say they should be forced to pay for their benefits. It will give them the necessary motivation to move forward and care for themselves.
i've been saying that for years. my proposal also helps the homeless. take the homeless and the welfare and move them to areas that usually use immigrant labor. food, clothes, shelter are all provided, but they work on the farms. or doing construction. you know, nasty shitty hard work. if you don't like it, get a job!
86CutlassUCF said:
im not in to politics but i think one of the reasons is if you dont support some of these people, theyll just go and start breaking in the rich peoples house and taking their money anyways....not that they dont already.

Giving criminals money in the form of welfare and other government programs doesn't really deter them from committing crimes.

The problem is that we have enabled millions of people to live completely off government handouts instead of going out and getting a job for themselves. By making it easy to sponge off of the government, these people have absolutely no incentive to get a full time job and pay their own way.
I seen it yesterday driving to Boston. As soon as I hit Storrow drive there are 3 homeless people fighting the same light and people are giving them money. They al have signs, I am homeless and hungry and I am not a drunk,,,,,although one guy did have a sign that said he was a drunk.

They can go to a soup kitchen and get food and they can get places to sleep. they can get help getting a job and choose not to. they rather take money from others to fuel their habbits. All this help is free and costs the taxpayers nothing.

OK to the original topic. I see too many people on the system who do not need it. I have 5 friends, all on food stamps, welfare and suplemental security income. THEY DO NOT NEED IT!!!!!

They can work and sometimes do under the table. they do not pay taxes on anything and most of them get high every day, play video games and that's it. they do not own a car and do not drive.

They all shack up in one house and split the rent which the apartment is in one name. They pay $50 A MONTH!!!! I don't even want to get started at how much they piss me off and I really really want to turn them in. I busted my *ss working since I was 15 years old and I am now 32. I lost everything I had. I got another car but that is it. I can't work but they can.

85 Cutlass, how does this work for you:

Pretty much everything you said I agree with.

ALL AS NEEDED help should be paid back at some point with an interest rate of 2%....These people are on for a temporary basis and will return to work. The friends I talked about all walked into the office, said they where crazy and got on, that simple,,,,what a fuc*ing joke.

For suplemental security,government, I like that idea too. But when they have to work and pay it back, same thing add 2% interest. This would fix the whole system for Social Security and help more people when they retire or like myself, if you have enough work credits at a young age and become disabled you can get your Social Security.

I paid in and I am getting what is owed to me, it is my retirement but I plan on going back to work as soon as I am 100% better. My SS income is not an as needed basis just so others know. Pretty crazy but if I got my cancer at 32 instead of 31 I wouldn't have enough work credits.

I think we are on the same page 85 cutlass but due to meds my mind is not all there but hopefully you have a general idea of what I am getting at.
My feelings are mixed on the subject because I think of a)the high-up executives that get all sorts of perks from their job, huge bonuses that are higher than many people make in 10 years, and b)the deadbeats that can't get off their own butts to get off the bottom rung of the ladder.

I just don't understand how someone can keep such low standards of living. I live near Flint, and been downtown (and the north side, which is a big no-no anytime besides the brightest part of day), so I've seen a lot of people on the rougher side of the tracks... I mean just moving away from there is the first step towards a better life :lol:
Well, my point is not against people who work hard and become disabled. I am just sick and tired of seeing people work the system and not do anything to get off of it. I have seen it too many times myself as I am on the fringes of poverty and work around people who are poor. However, too many of them continue to worsen their situation with alcohol, drugs and pregnancies they can ill afford to have instead of working out a plan to make things better or at least not make them worse. If you have a legitimate disability, there should be some sort of system in place to help you. This is also why I propose a time limit on benefits. Maybe not a year, but something reasonable unless you have a terminal illness. However, if you are able bodied and unemployed, you should have to put some of your time into working for the benefits you receive. It should never be a free ride. After all, some people are content to stay poor and just exist if it means they do not have to do anything with their life but occupy space. I have known several people who are just that lazy and lacking in motivation.

Part of the problem I have with the so-called "educated" liberals is they do not understand what they believe. They have their beliefs based not on practical experience, but on a feeling that they are so superior to the poor that they will deign to help them. Most of it is "White Guilt", and not a genuine feeling of compassion. if it was genuine compassion, they would give of their own money to help these people instead of demanding the government do it for them. This is why Conservatives tend to give more to charity than Liberals. Conservatives believe the problems around them are for them to solve, not some great government agency. So, conservatives tend to be more legitimately compassionate as they take it upon themselves to solve the problems around them as an individual rather than as a member of some corporate body of citizens.
cutty I agree totally dude

I am sick and tired of people bashing the people on top who get those benefits. Those people got where they got from experience, time in the company, and education. They didnt win a lottery to get that position yet people always b*tch about the little guys who do nothing. Those little guys are on the bottom for a reason. They have to earn the position for which they feel entitled or they will be on the bottom. The people who are on the bottom and are 50 and 60 years old. WHo the hells fault is that, its theirs, bad life choices lead to shitty *ss lives and later choices in life. Call me an *ss, I dont give a damn. Furthermore im sick of seeing any sort of aid given to lazy *ss mother ****s. I would ban all sorts of welfare, medicade help. If people want it they earn it. I ****ing hate socialism and the obama admin. The end
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