85 Cutlass Brougham said:
srercrcr said:
Yea, if Oprah has enough to give away crap on her show, she can pony up to help pay for a single mothers health care.
No, she should not be forced to pay one penny of a single mother's health care. It is not Oprah's fault she got pregnant, so why should she be forced to pay any of it? If you get into a problem it is not for the government to help you. The money saved on health care and welfare could be better spent on law enforcement and more prisons. The prisoners could then be turned into a giant revenue stream as their labor could then be sold to large corporations who would use them as an alternative to outsourced labor. The prisoners could be made to work for free, with their wages being used to pay for their upkeep. Any prisoner who refused to work or refused to work well, could then be fired and denied food and medical care until such time as they found another prison job to pay for them to be there. Get in trouble in prison, you can be suspended from work and therefore food and medicine. Do well in the system and earn yourself better living conditions. Those who did particularly bad could also be placed in outdoor cages with nothing but the ground to sleep on. In this way, they could be trained to never want to go to prison again.
The only problems with the above plan (other then the belief that it is ok remove food and care in a situation where there is alternative such as those nations consider to be dictatorships in which they are continually criticized or the treatment of prisoners and people) is that it would take large sums of capital to build complex’s that are able to capable of producing product, you would also need centralized prison system which would increase transport cost… also wages would have to be at least minimum wage as set for by law which is still 100x more expensive then the outsourced wages… even if you ducted monthly cost for food and housing you would still end up paying every “force laborer” +/- 400 a month
Training and quality control would also be of concern, it take a normal company 33% of the yearly wage to train a new employ and allow him meet minimum expectations... so the minimal sentence would have to be 12 months before the plan was even cost efficient and still does address the quaility control issue
And lets not even get into the increased security cost of all the new prisons, allowing prisoners to move around freely which is likely required by the mode of production will need a much smaller prisoner to guard ratio