The Poor Should Pay Higher Taxes

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srercrcr said:
85...guess you're not siding with the majority, who want govt to assist people. Your days are over. Get on the Spector bandwagon. The only hardcore holdouts such as yourself are in the South, land of evangilism (hocus pocus), rebel flags, and Jerry Springer guests. The rest of the country is BLUE...we WON!

We accept Obama as warmly as you Democrats did George W Bush. Since you guys treated our guy like sh*t, we reserve to do the same to yours and do what we can to destroy him. **** bipartisanship. All it ever means is Republicans giving in to inferior democratic ideas. I want the bipartisanship that sees the left acquiescing to the right. Other than that, I have no interest in being bipartisan. As for Spector, he never really was a Republican to begin with. He was originally a Democrat who jumped ship when the political winds were against him in 1980. Now that he faces losing the Republican primary for his Senate seat in a landslide, he has once again jumped ship. The man has always been a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and I say good riddance to bad rubbish. He can take Olympia Snow and John McCain with him too for all I care. These people are a cancer that is slowly eating away at the Republican party. The sooner they leave, the sooner I will consider being a Republican again ( I am currently a conservative Libertarian).
srercrcr said:
85...guess you're not siding with the majority, who want govt to assist people. Your days are over. Get on the Spector bandwagon. The only hardcore holdouts such as yourself are in the South, land of evangilism (hocus pocus), rebel flags, and Jerry Springer guests. The rest of the country is BLUE...we WON!

Aren't you old enough to know better? The bankers played the class warfare/race card and won. Your precious Obama works for the same group of globalists that Bush did. Why do you think Obama supported the bailouts that Bush threatened everyone with? You and the 'left' are being played like a fiddle just as much the 'right' in this country. Good luck with that.
srercrcr, I will also say that your statements are once again showing your own prejudices. Of all the commenters on here, I have been one of the most vocal about NOT showing the Battle Flag of the Confederacy ( you obviously are too ignorant to know it's real name) on people's cars, etc. as it very much is seen as a sign of racism and ignorance, even if it is not intended that way. I for one am the farthest thing from a racist. My parents worked with the SCLC during the 1960's, and are also the farthest thing from racists. Members of my family were targeted my the KKK for their stance on race, and my mom's aunt had them burn down her garage in the 1960's (with the letter to prove who did it.) Oh, did I mention that it happened on Long Island New York, and NOT in the south? That is why my parents are now very politically active in the local Republican party and on a first name basis with several officials from our area that have been elected to national office. Also, I am NOT a native southerner, I am a native New Yorker.

Why also are you so religiously intolerant? Your hatred of Evangelical Christians shows that you do not tolerate those who believe differently than you. I am surprised that a liberal such as yourself, who claims to be so tolerant would choose to hate others based on heart felt religious beliefs. Then again, you do hate people just because they come from the south too, so I guess you choose to not first look at the content of someone's character, but rather at the superficial elements of where they live or what religious beliefs they have. That makes you pretty much the antithesis of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in his "I Have a Dream" speech when he said in essence that we should judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. We can extrapolate further that he would also not have judged a man on his religion or where he lived either, but then again, the American Left is all about being judgmental. They love to find little boxes to stick people in so that they can judge them. And THAT is why most liberals are nothing more than bigots who think they are tolerant, when in point of fact they only tolerate those they deem worthy of tolerance. That makes them no more tolerant than the Nazis who, after all, tolerated everyone as long as they thought just like they did.

One more thought: It is not very multicultural of you to hate Southern culture. After all, if all cultures have equal value, then in your eyes Southern culture should be just as good and as valuable as Northern culture.
slone....i like your thinking, but do you know how much 40 million times 1 million is?
(i apologize in advance for any spelling errors or weirdly worded statements--the flu sucks!!)
85cutlass, i really hope you're joking about the use and treatment of prisoners. now i'm not one to support the present coddling of them but your statements are ridiculous. whatever happened to "cruel and unusual punishment"? kept in a cage and shifted around like a rat in a laboratory is a bit far. withdrawl of food and medical treatment? thanks for the ideas, joseph stalin! now, on the basics i agree with you, but they should be in chain gangs, not manufacturing. employ free americans for that and use the criminals in place of illegal aliens. and they should earn the minimum wage, of course most of it is "taxed" to pay for the cost of keeping them.

for the obama supporters i have a question. what has he done, that bush didn't try to do? tax rebates, giving GM money, etc were all things bush wanted to do, but the dems blocked him. now they want to do the same damn thing! everyone faults bush with extending the deficit, what's obama doing? he's even worse!!! there is no source for what he wants to spend, and there's no actual need for most of his projects, compared to the need to fix the economy. has he done anything to boost manufacturing in the US? how about exports?
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
the American Left is all about being judgmental. They love to find little boxes to stick people in so that they can judge them. And THAT is why most liberals are nothing more than bigots who think they are tolerant, when in point of fact they only tolerate those they deem worthy of tolerance. That makes them no more tolerant than the Nazis who, after all, tolerated everyone as long as they thought just like they did.
By saying that above you have essentially contracted your stance being tolerant. How can you blame some one for being negative to a culture and then lump people as group and deploy negative statement about that group.

megaladon6 said:
for the obama supporters i have a question. what has he done, that bush didn't try to do? tax rebates, giving GM money, etc were all things bush wanted to do, but the dems blocked him. now they want to do the same damn thing! everyone faults bush with extending the deficit,
Other then major differences in the restriction on money loaned (i.e. terms and conditions on bush bank bailout vs. terms and conditions on Obama bank bailout) and the way money has been given to the American people to stimulate the economy (i.e. bush personal stimulus checks vs. Obama "labor force" stimulus) and the opening and closing of tax breaks (bush tax corporate tax break plan vs. Obama working poor tax break plan)... there is not much difference.
So if there is no difference why is there such an "Obama will ruin this country" approach...? We can’t have it both ways... saying they are the same and then roosting one because he is different.

megaladon6 said:
has he done anything to boost manufacturing in the US? how about exports?
The times of the US manufacturing/ industrial period is long dead... Sociologist have called the US and many other US like nations Post industrial nations since they no longer fit into the industrial models, not because of Obama or bush but the globalization of markets and US labor cost in comparison to other nations. We are a nation that relies on our ability to exchange information (push papers) and supply personal services as our products.

Also realisticly, right now boosting manufacturing would only mean more product would sit since there is little demand for the amount items that are currenlty being manufactured... doing so will bring another shock to the american ecomomy

In my opinion, the last large industrial industry we had where auto assembly plants and since they couldn’t manage their own funds and refused to change with the markets we will now loose those


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Hold on a second mega, you're the one that proposed we round up the homeless and put them in some forced labor camps - Hello Hitler! Last time I checked, it's not illegal to be homeless.... yet.

megaladon6 said:
i've been saying that for years. my proposal also helps the homeless. take the homeless and the welfare and move them to areas that usually use immigrant labor. food, clothes, shelter are all provided, but they work on the farms. or doing construction. you know, nasty shitty hard work. if you don't like it, get a job!
yes, as opposed to giving them money with no return. i have no problems with "labor camps". i do have problems with cruel and unethical treatment. what hitler did was take people from their homes and use them as slaves, no pay, no food, no medical treatment (unless you think what mengele did was medicine) and the only showers were with poison gas.

everyone says bush gave money to the corporations and that obama gives it to the "people". i say that's mostly bullshit. bush gave us a $600+ tax credit/refund whatever it was called. the dems took a simple bail out and gave money to everyone else. come on, 6 million for wooden arrows? how many more millions have we given to the loan industry? with no "requirements"?

The times of the US manufacturing/ industrial period is long dead...
noooo sh*t that's my point. clinton made a big push towards that, and that is what took the support out from our economy. if you're not selling something, then you aren't making money. if you're noit making money things tend to crash.
Also realisticly, right now boosting manufacturing would only mean more product would sit since there is little demand for the amount items that are currenlty being manufactured... doing so will bring another shock to the american ecomomy
really? funny i don't see china's economy crashing. maybe if all those TV's, car parts, CD's etc were made here, we'd have more money. if we had more money, we could pay our mortgages. there is a direct ratio between the loss of manufacturing and the drop of the economy.
and what is your definition of the auto industry not "changing with the market"? if you are referring to the switch from SUV's to small cars, it takes a couple of years to switch production like that. the demand switched in a couple of months. toyota and honda weren't ahead of the curve, they were so far behind it that they hadn't switched over to suv's yet. they were on their way, but it was still a lot easier to go back to cars.
megaladon6 said:
The times of the US manufacturing/ industrial period is long dead...
noooo sh*t that's my point. Clinton made a big push towards that, and that is what took the support out from our economy. If you're not selling something, then you aren't making money. if you're noit making money things tend to crash
Moving away from industry is a normal societal progression, we still sale a product and it is service… with the availably for other nations to join the industrial movement at a lower cost it calls for those who have based there economies on industrial era to move forward or be essentially under sold... that goes for any market, weather the US or the the next up and coming nation
megaladon6 said:
Also realistically, right now boosting manufacturing would only mean more product would sit since there is little demand for the amount items that are currently being manufactured... doing so will bring another shock to the American economy
really? funny i don't see china's economy crashing. maybe if all those TV's, car parts, CD's etc were made here, we'd have more money. if we had more money, we could pay our mortgages. there is a direct ratio between the loss of manufacturing and the drop of the economy.
There is a large cost of labor difference that is left out of your equation as stated above... if Americans would work for half as much or less then I'm guessing we could continue to have a market that could produce those products... But if Americans worked for half as much we would still have issues paying mortgages… you have more production… but still same issues
megaladon6 said:
and what is your definition of the auto industry not "changing with the market"? if you are referring to the switch from SUV's to small cars, it takes a couple of years to switch production like that. the demand switched in a couple of months. toyota and honda weren't ahead of the curve, they were so far behind it that they hadn't switched over to suv's yet. they were on their way, but it was still a lot easier to go back to cars.
The pull to efficient cars was not an overnight thing… 30+ years ago during the times of gas shortages there was a call for America to look into alternative fuel and build more efficient cars… 10- 15 years ago many imports stated to push in on the sale of our big 3 by the push of these more efficient and cheaper cars. The auto makers Honda and Toyota where not attempting to change their market to SUVs and trucks, but instead trying to cut into the big threes market share in the USA. The Big three all road the big car bubble and when it popped they acted shocked
How are the homeless getting money from the gov? Maybe I'm missing something but you need an address to get a check.

And I think the homeless being rounded up and forced into your labor camps might consider that 'cruel and unusual', Hitler. 😛
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