srercrcr said:85...guess you're not siding with the majority, who want govt to assist people. Your days are over. Get on the Spector bandwagon. The only hardcore holdouts such as yourself are in the South, land of evangilism (hocus pocus), rebel flags, and Jerry Springer guests. The rest of the country is BLUE...we WON!
We accept Obama as warmly as you Democrats did George W Bush. Since you guys treated our guy like sh*t, we reserve to do the same to yours and do what we can to destroy him. **** bipartisanship. All it ever means is Republicans giving in to inferior democratic ideas. I want the bipartisanship that sees the left acquiescing to the right. Other than that, I have no interest in being bipartisan. As for Spector, he never really was a Republican to begin with. He was originally a Democrat who jumped ship when the political winds were against him in 1980. Now that he faces losing the Republican primary for his Senate seat in a landslide, he has once again jumped ship. The man has always been a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and I say good riddance to bad rubbish. He can take Olympia Snow and John McCain with him too for all I care. These people are a cancer that is slowly eating away at the Republican party. The sooner they leave, the sooner I will consider being a Republican again ( I am currently a conservative Libertarian).