As for your friend, This was his opportunity for a better future, he is squandering it way when he get older (or grows up, which ever comes first) hopefully he will see that he could be much better off then were he has ended up. No matter how fortunate you are, with out a solid work ethic you can not accomplish anything worthwhile
Also, his blatant misuse of unemployment funds is why government programs are frowned upon but we can’t stop helping those who need it because of those who don’t and do. All of this is the reason i call for reform of all of these government help programs. Stricter standards along with many other criteria must be implemented to insure that only those who exert effort to improve there own situation are eligible for funds
Also, his blatant misuse of unemployment funds is why government programs are frowned upon but we can’t stop helping those who need it because of those who don’t and do. All of this is the reason i call for reform of all of these government help programs. Stricter standards along with many other criteria must be implemented to insure that only those who exert effort to improve there own situation are eligible for funds