KrisW said:
I think all tax is bad, but I think government is evil, too!
In Florida we DON'T have income tax. We have a low sales tax (still under 7 percent) and low property taxes that are getting still lower. It's an easy formula for success; IF YOU LEAVE PEOPLE MORE OF THEIR OWN MONEY INSTEAD OF STEALING IT IN INCOME TAX, THEY ACTUALLY BUY MORE STUFF AND GENERATE MORE INCOME FOR THE GOVERNMENT VIA A SALES TAX.
This works. It works in Florida, Tennessee, and Texas that I know of. The real deal is that the Income tax is about power, not about getting money to help people. Florida gets more money to help people just with sales tax....
FL has VIT (I believe that’s what is called) tax right? The tax on the worth of property such as cars and boats that must be paid every year… I believe it its is the FL’s way of off setting the lack of state income tax and the low sales tax… as you stated TX also doesn’t have of the state tax but does have a 1.5% higher sales tax but no VIT (tax is only charged once upon purchase). Over all the FL tax payments are not much different if not more expensive then those states that don’t have state income taxes
Even though you hate taxes with out them we would be in chaos, unattained roads, no police force, no schools. Soon we would become no better off then third world country
KrisW said:
Your argument against Christians in the settling of the west of the United States is also garbage. You don't state one single fact in your argument, NOT ONE. All you give is conjecture, and generalize by saying "missionaries" and other bull crap.
Wow… I never once blamed christens for the settling of west, I said they played there part along with the government. I guess just the posting of cited historical litature was not enough fact, the trail of tears (just like the holocaust) didn’t happen and there was not a movement by the christen church to “civilize” the American Indian
KrisW said:
YOU NAME AN ESTABLISHED CHURCH THAT WAS DOING THIS. JUST ONE. You can't because this is revisionist liberal history.
Plenty of churches still partake in missionary practices in the US and over seas… I mean there is even a
christen missionary alliance. To think that the effort to spread Christianity as the “right” religion has not happed and doesn’t continue to happen is blind. Governments and nations have had to step in to the conversion tactics (deliverances of food/goods) of the christen missionary to poorer nations because the goods/foods come with the necessity to attend and pray to the Christian god (much like the doings of the salvation Army). Let’s be sure to say that it is not just Christian religions partake in these things. The Catholic Church has a strong arm in this over seas and the missionary actions of the Jehovah witnesses can be seen daily (door to door) in the US .
KrisW said:
The truth of the settling of the west is that the GOVERNMENT is directly to blame for what happened to Native Americans. The exact same idiots that you think are gonna fix your kids' education problem. If the government approves the text books then how do you expect the telling about the government to be fair?
The government played a large roll in the western movements of the US, but so did the christen missionary movement. By you stating the government approves text books so they would pick books that exclude government negatives being that 80+ percent of the government falls under the protestant or christen category wouldn’t the same logic be applied, omitting that that does not kindly represent them selves
Again I am also not asking for the government to fix schools and don’t expect them to, I have and will continue suggest a “bucket system” of public school funding… the government role would not change
KrisW said:
Your arguments trying to refute what I have said are all communist garbage. Public school and higher education garbage. I make over 150k a year now because I am in a war zone. ANYONE can do this. I don't want to hear anyone else's sob stories.
Those non military out there get 100k driving a truck in combats climates, and some one who is in combat should get 150k a year, it is what is to be expected when your life is on the line. But other then your profession receiving 150k a year because you are in combat what other fields support those funds with out an education (mind you that you received an education/skill training while in the military)? Hate it or love it there are vary few that will get you above 35k a year and honestly that just isn’t enough. If you know nothing, then you can be nothing, you know basic math you can get a basic match job (McDonalds), you know basic labor you get a basic labor job, you know office items you get and office job.
KrisW said:
Parents are responsible for their kids' upbringing. If they know they are in a bad place, why not move BEFORE kids come into the picture. I'm tired of hearing about the plight of helpless children. It's more communist garbage. Parents are to blame. It's time someone held them accountable. If I have to be that person then so be it.
All of these unfortunate situations are 100% preventable. People not wanting to take responsibility for any of it is the problem.
You are right, parents are responsible for the kids’ upbringings and situation; I say lets not punish or praise the child for the doings of his/her parents let them start off equal at at least the ability of schooling and let them dictate their future.
KrisW said:
I am not here because of religion at all. I am here because so many ignorant people decided to blow up the world trade center with over 3000 innocent Americans inside. We came here to depose the government that fostered those maniacs. We did that. We can't just leave, because the people don't have a responsible government to look to for aid if we go. If we leave the bad people will just come back from Pakistan and hurt these people again. AND THEN THEY WILL HURT US AGAIN. That is why I am here.
Who said you where there because of religion? I said you where there because of your beliefs, nothing more, and nothing less so why did you bring it to religion. Beliefs span far beyond any set religion. As you said you are there to protect American as it is your belief that you can help and as I said before, some beliefs are worth dieing for
KrisW said:
Sorry if you can't see the truth. You have government paid for "free" blinders on. It's not your fault that you were manipulated by them; it will be your fault if you hear the opposing view point and you don't freely investigate the truth. You are blind and being led by evil men.
I set in my office (post with you), drive my car, pay my mortgage, watch my big screen, read my books, pay my taxes, and attend graduate school all because it is the life I have chosen, have no commitments or standing with either side to the political system which I feel allows me blinder free take on most things.. Does the government do a good job at every thing… hell no, are all there policies right, hell no. is the purpose of a government for the greater good of the people it governs, yes!, am I willing to help my government help those who want to help them selves, yes!
In the end all I can do is provide cited articles (not basis commentary), links and what not to allow you to read information that you
I have provided document that there where missionary efforts in the 1700-1800’s by the christen church, I have provided document from christen sources that christen missionary actions still happen. On that aspect it is now up to you to decide if there is truth to it be you must first read them instead of denouncing them because they show religion in a possibly negative view. It is the christen belief that they have the supreme god and all others are to be false. In the OT it rights of many of the punishments of those who decide not to fallow, in the NT it speaks of the need to bring them to the goodness of god (i.e. conversion by spread of biblical word) If there are sections of any of the items I submitted the feel free to bring them into discussion to expose their false hood
Last but not least, you have this notion that I want more government assistance in education, on the first page of this I stated that was not the fact and continue to correct your statement in every post. The government has its functions but neither party has done anything to prevent the actions that have taken place in the last 10 years. You complain about the dems tax system as it stand but it has remained this way almost 100 years now, I am new to the board but I don’t see negative comments toward the last administration which foster the same happenings that are the base of our current government.