By requiring attention of service it is an attempt to convert in order to support religion... This not for the good of the individual but nothing other then holding food over someone’s head to get a desired response... I worked at a couple shelters and done much volunteer work... You can not stay in these places and receive there training unless you commit to there religious view... I had a boarder house toss a young girl out on the street because while she was there she was raped and became pregnant but didn’t want the keep the child... again its convert or go back on the street no matter how much you are working toward improving their own livesKrisW said:The Salvation Army here doesn't turn anyone away, but they do require you to attend services before you get your free stuff. So, you know what? They go to the other handouts at the Baptist mission because there are no requirements!
But this is all irreverent because we are talking government allotted tax dollars… these are not government funded programs so why are we contining to say the goverment is handing large amonts of money directly to the homeless
The Government has not been throwing cent on the dollar of what it would take to equalize schooling in American on a public level; a new approach is needed and has been for some time now. Tell me would you rather have your children at intercity school or suburban school (mind you that your religious base for your child is constant regardless of the school). If do you think the overall performance and experience would be the same or close enough to provide equal opportunity in future life commitments… If so whyKrisW said:You think that money is the answer to this problem? Wrong again, my California friend. The government has been throwing money away toward this forever and nothing has improved over the last 50 years, has it? Perhaps a new approach is needed? Some change that we can believe in?
KrisW said:Where do you think this school money comes from? It comes from people who pay taxes. Do you think that the people with more money pay more or less in taxes? Do you think that their school districts will get more money if more people WITH money who pay MORE taxes live in those districts? This is simple math and it is easy to see where the answers lie.
Using a blatently communist approach to redistribute wealth and give the inner cities more will not fix the core problem. The problem is not money. The problem is personal responsibility. The problem is values. The inner city doesn't have any. They don't have any because their parents don't have any. It is an unbroken cycle that has been around since there have been inner cities.
The commitment to religion is just as strong among the intercity as it is among the general population as a whole… to provide church as a reason why there is or is not crime in an area is ludicrous. With out changing the terms and happens of an environment we can not change the social and cultural norms of the people in the environment. You are correct in school taxes and see how there is a large difference in funding but fail to see that the amount of funding is proportional to the outcomes in social movement. Being from a school with few books, no cpu’s and moving to a school that had its own football field I don’t mind an equalization of taxes for children who don’t have the ability to be socially liquid by any means
KrisW said:The solution? At some point, a poor inner city kid needs to be moved to a family member (or adopted family) somewhere else where they go to Church and have some type of moral values. You find a way to do that and you will solve the poor and homeless problems by about 90%.
Again… forcing religion upon people does not instill morals of any sort … The KKK are Christian people and there morals are questionable by the masses. The heads of our banks are either predestine or of Christina decent and have screwed many out of there money. Heads of Enron where christens and look at them and what they did. And we can speak of the long history of violence and taxation from the Vatican and other christen based societies (such as America during in the age of the Native American and the age of slavery)
Education is the key for social ecomomic movement… if its not please tell me why do so many continue to go to college? We talk equality in advancement but don’t what believe that the means of advancement are not equal. Those who are in better schools have a higher commitment to college and opting a higher level job. I guess splitting up families and moving them to other families that have good schools to get a better education is not the same as getting better schools for a better education and keeping families together