time to piece her back together

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Master Mechanic
Jul 30, 2007
south dakota
this morning while driving east on a quiet contry road right into the sun a big *ss fork horn buck jumps out of the ditch from behind a road construction sign on the shoulder thats a big *ss 4x4'' diamond shape and whack. :puke: this son of a b*tch vandalized my malibu. it happened so fast i didn't even have time to sh*t in my pants!? its head went into the center and knocked back everything under the hood and top header to the fan just penetrated the radiator and then and torso collasped the right side into the battery but what thats not all! the spine exploded taking out a 4 to 5'' round chunk of the hide between the ribs and hip for that end snapped back around the passenger side and knocked in the whole front fender in front of the tire. hit so hard that my cd player in 1 of those universal rack mounts sliped in almost an inch under the facia plate. :shock: so needless to say i will be needing alot of front end parts and getting my new paint job sooner than anticipated. i guess this bullshit is just the reason why i have full cov insurance + some stated value rider i need to look more into again. if they try to total it out i'm gonna choke a b*tch. :x
so pending whatever accidently happens to the insurance adjuster where can i find my new parts without being taken. as soon as i can figureout how to use photobucket i will post a pic or 2.

1 last rant
isn't there a bumper sticker or something that said like "save a car/classic? and kill/shoot a deer? we should shoot all the ****ers anytime their within an 1/8th mile of a road to protect public safety.


Royal Smart Person
Mar 20, 2008
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

I do my part to save my car. lol

Judging by the title of your post I was expecting some hunting horror story where the deer got their revenge on you or something :lol:

Sorry to hear about this though, its one of the things I am very conscious about driving at night or very early, especially since I live in PA.


Master Mechanic
Jul 30, 2007
south dakota
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

3XBrownCutty said:
I do my part to save my car. lol

Judging by the title of your post I was expecting some hunting horror story where the deer got their revenge on you or something :lol:

Sorry to hear about this though, its one of the things I am very conscious about driving at night or very early, especially since I live in PA.

yea, as of right now i may do more than just fill my tag :evil: lol yea i figured the title would get peoples attention. thanks though.


Master Mechanic
Nov 13, 2008
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

I feel for you man. My car is 98% of my life. I would go jump off a bridge if that happend to me. I hope they don't total it out on you.


Apr 24, 2007
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

Bummer dude... You can plan on them totaling the car.
Then you buy it back for a couple hundred bucks and rebuild it.

With the value of these cars where it is, it doesn't take much damage at all to deem a G-body a "total loss"...


Royal Smart Person
Sep 18, 2009
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

Shitty man, deer hits suck, one got my bu about 7 or 8 years back (it ran into me :wtf: ), I didn't turn it into my insurance because I knew they would total it. I did get my revenge a few years later though, I ran over a deer (didn't see it) on a trail ride with my jeep, lol, had to put it down after though.


Royal Smart Person
Apr 5, 2009
Terril Iowa
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

I can get/have some of the parts if you are interested. I see you are in SD Can possibly meet in Sioux Falls.


Royal Smart Person
Jul 15, 2008
Livonia, New York
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

Man that sucks big time.I work 0545 to 1415 hrs. and my buddies bust my balz 'cuz I don't drive my baby to work....Hence, this is the exact reason why :( 3Xbrown cutty can feel me here..I live in western N.Y. and it sucks an awful lot...... I take so many car vs. deer accidents in the morning...Damn deer are stupid. Hell wher I live if you don't hunt the locals thing there is something wrong with you.....My Brother in laws would rather hunt then ****...as for me, I'm all set in the warm bed with my Wife....Only rack I like to see is hers. Your car is bad, but I've seen much worse...Shouldn't be that bad of a repair I'm thinking , from the pics it looks like the header panel, grill , fender and radiator are shot...Let us know what you will need..We will all try to help :)
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