totaled my Bu

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G-Body Guru
Nov 29, 2007
Los Angeles, california
On sunday night, i got in to an accident to where my Bu got hit twice. I was on the hiway traveling on the car pool lane, when i saw a wreck ahead of me. I start slowing, and the car behind me didnt have the time to and hit me. As i was rear ended,my car was thrown left forcing me in to the center devider putting my car sideways. The car behind me got hit aggian, and pushing them in to me agian. That time i got hit side ways. Long story short, my car got totaled 😢 ...
That SUCKS! I hate to hear of an older car getting totaled. I hope that at least you walked away without injuries. Cars are cheaper than hospital bills and lives.
sorry to hear that man. are you ok?
wow dude that sucks so much. i am sorry to hear that. sounds like a pretty crazy crash really
That really sucks. Good thing your okay.

Im fine guys, thanx!!!! Just a lil bang up... Here is a pick of the back, once i get a chance. I'll post up the side....


Side pic...
totaled is an understatement.

glad your okay, its a test that these cars are pretty safe atleast.
sorry about the car. you can prolly salvage a few things.
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