When I changed the coil I should've noticed that the wires ran to this plug, & realized that it wouldn't run without these. It didn't occur to me.
I went at it again today, between bands of rain leftover from the hurricane.
I pulled the correct EST plug & it ran. Off to a good start.
Then, attempted to time. To begin, base timing was up over 20 degrees advanced, almost off the top of the timing tab. I brought it down to about factory 15 degree spec and it ran like crap. Advancing or retarding anywhere around 15 degrees didn't seem to matter much. I got frustrated again, and it started raining again, so I set it back to around 20 degrees, reconnected EST, & went in the house & contemplated selling it.
At one point while adjusting, while it ran bad, there was a lot of white smoke, and it smelled rich. It's 'smelled rich' the entire time I've been working on it, but this was worse.
I just replaced the plugs, so I pulled the #5 plug & it's black (see below), which indicates rich, right? & when I pulled the wire, the metal end stayed on the plug 😠. It was rusty - I noticed that when I pulled the wires weeks ago, but I had cleaned it up & reused it. It must have been worse than I thought. So I repaired the wire, then reinstalled the plug.
This made me wonder if I was having issues with that cylinder in particular because of the wire, so I pulled the #1 plug - see below. It's also fouled but not as bad. Is it just coincidence that it's not as bad, or is it indicating something? Dunno.
All plugs & wires are reinstalled; timing w/ EST connected is at about 15 degrees, and at the moment it seems to be running okay - idling decent & in the minute or two that I let it run, with no noticeable hesitation/bog on acceleration. Maybe that wire was causing intermittent / no spark & that has something to do with this? But I feel like I've been here before and I could go out tomorrow & it would run bad again.
I'm a little worried about the white smoke.. I've noticed it before but never like that. It's usually after the first start of the day & I attributed it to condensation in the exhaust. If it's running rich there should be black smoke, right? Why white, & why so bad during timing?
My plan is still to have a mechanic look at this (if I can find one). I appreciate any responses & advice but I feel like there are too many things to consider & I lack knowledge, tools, and now weather's an issue.
All of this for an engine I don't even want! I just want to be able to drive this thing.
*edit*: I just checked vacuum - seems good, video
here. & I don't want to get off on another subject, but there's a rattling sound at 0:16, 0:22, & 0:39, coming from the back of the motor & I assume that's going to be something in the valvetrain.