Hey guys just had a couple of random questions for you. First question is in regard to my weiand water pump. There is a threaded hole in the top of it to where i think a heater hose would normally plug into. Wehn i did my motor swap I also did the ac/heat delete so I don't have anything to put there now. Do I just buy a plug from somewhere for this and just plug it off? if so what is the size? I already ordered a plug that turned out to be too big lol
Second question is in regard to my rear brakes. I put a different rear end on my car when I swapped the motor out and haven't put the drum brakes on it yet. I am going to have to towed to the exhaust shop in a couple days and probably wont have time to get the brakes done before hand. I put the drums and wheels back on without shoes anything else and I noticed that both the drums make a bad sound like they are rubbing on the back plate or something. If I don't have time to figure it before it goes in can I just put the wheel straight on without the drums and have it towed a few km to the exhaust shop? or do the drums have to be on before I can tow it? I know that mound sound like a stupid question but I would rather be safe than sorry
Second question is in regard to my rear brakes. I put a different rear end on my car when I swapped the motor out and haven't put the drum brakes on it yet. I am going to have to towed to the exhaust shop in a couple days and probably wont have time to get the brakes done before hand. I put the drums and wheels back on without shoes anything else and I noticed that both the drums make a bad sound like they are rubbing on the back plate or something. If I don't have time to figure it before it goes in can I just put the wheel straight on without the drums and have it towed a few km to the exhaust shop? or do the drums have to be on before I can tow it? I know that mound sound like a stupid question but I would rather be safe than sorry