Okay. Do appreciate the pictures. What my ride came with was what you call the checkerboard 14's and since the vin tag says it was built in Arlington, Texas, calling them "Mexican" sort of makes sense. The other set in the picture I do recall, only they were on an El Camino and the owner claimed they came as a part number for a Camaro. His back story was that he had to order them special to get the correct back set to fit the Elky's wheel wells. Not sure now if my range of 2-3 hundred for the set in question is correct. Being only a two year model, they might go higher at maybe 3-4 hundred, again depending on the finish. Buffed and polished and devoid of scratches and dings would certainly fetch a higher price, as would selling them up in the rust belt as opposed to vending below the Mason-Dixon line where road salt is not so common. If I had a budget for baubles and trinkets I'd be inclined to give them some consideration but money is tight right now, (like ain't it always) and my Malibu steelies will do the job just fine for now.
The checker pattern wheels were an option on all base model Monte's 81' through 88'. Since the 84' SS in Mexico came with these they somehow get called that even though they came on probably 10,000* more base model Monte's 🙂. They aren't rare but people do like them (myself included). I'd say $200 for a nice set is fair, they probably fetch close to what 86-88 SS rims go for in the same shape and as much or more than the 83-85 SS 15" steel rallies, in my opinion.