What did you do at work today?


Know it all, that doesn't
Supporting Member
G-Body of the Month
May 22, 2011
Central NY
Thought it might be cool to see what everyone does at their jobs. For those of us not affected by Corona :/

I've been working on this project for several weeks on and off. Waiting on parts and redesigning things as we ran into issues. Almost done with it. It's a chemical distribution system for photo lithography used in making semiconductors... Will be controlled by switches on separate tools when they need the chemicals and this will pump it up to them. IMG_20200506_145134.jpgIMG_20200506_144944.jpgIMG_20200506_145004.jpgIMG_20200506_145151.jpgIMG_20200506_145221.jpg
Two days ago.
Sat doing nothing except cruising GBF, for the first 6hrs and 20mins, waiting on these guys to get their stuff together, then myself and one other, moved 18 loads across to the opposite side of the jobsite for the next 5hrs 40mins for a total of 12hrs billable to the jobsite.


Yesterday, myself and two others hauled it all away. Three loads each as trk-trlr on a 2-1/2 hr round trip.

Today, we are doing it again for the next column shaft. I can still cruise GBF between loads, and, when they pause to add an extra can to the drill shaft.

Here, I have just dumped out a load, my co-worker is waiting for the signal to back in to get loaded.

Co-worker getting loaded, I am staged up and ready to back in.

Super easy. Especially on a time and a half Saturday.
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Search for treasure on Oak Island is going big this year, ehh?
Expecting to generate more revenue from treasure hunter visitors by the size of the "visitors Center" in the background..............
This is one of the P&R transit centers. We are working on the light rail extension that will make a stop here.
I am out west in the Seattle area, but the hole is going down about 75feet on this one. The rebar cage that will go into this hole is on the left side of one of the above pics.
Researched some stuff. Transmitted some stuff. Measured some stuff.
Radio guy stuff doing ahem ... stuff.
Nothing. Straight days mean I get my weekends off. Just enough time to take care of domestic chores like making a run for the next week's groceries and catching up on my sleep and back to work I go. It pays the bills and I don't get to interact with too many people which, right now, suits me fine. Not any more anti-social than I ever was, just welcoming the opportunity to stay away from humanity in general 'cause,.....They Are ALL Sick!!
I could have worked today, but I didn't want too and I had to watch my kids because Mom worked a half day today. I convinced them next week would be better. It will be six hours of driving and probably four hours of work. I run this thing. 20190121_114308.jpg I work on everything from these. 20190905_133649.jpg To these. 20200106_123343.jpg20200106_123343.jpg I am a Heavy Equipment Mechanic. It used to be more fun fifteen years ago when it was big wrenches and sledge hammers. Now it is electrical problems and emissions problems. So laptops and multimeter is what I use the most. Flemming would love this sh*t!
I lube/paint tractor tires before they go into a press mold so they won't stick to the inflatable bag that pushes them against the mold and the rubber has a less Grey appearance respectively. Pictures are forbidden.
I approved insurance claim checks, didn't approve others. Did the same with denials. Settled a couple of represented losses. Helped my team make decisions regarding property claims. Talked a couple of PO'd insureds off the cliff
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