I used to go through this with my 81 Chevy diesel pickup I swapped out the 350 diesel for a gas 403On the few occasions I go to the corporate parts stores I tend to give the parts store monkeys crap because I can.
My 1977 truck isn't in their computers for what it is. It's trim level is bonanza. Not custom deluxe/scottsdale/silverado/etc... bonanza. Sure, it's a trim/value package, but no more so than a silverado was.
So when they insist on typing in all different info they go through the year, make, model... then stall.... I don't see bonanza, do you mean silverado? I say nope, go outside, look at the fender and the dashboard. They walk out all brisk, sure they'll prove me wrong. I lean back on the counter and wait. Watch. See them look at fender, through window, and back again. After a few times they return, much more slowly, and dejected.
Depending how much attitude they gave me first I sometimes needle them and ask what it said, and other times I just wait for them to say something to me. But it always turns to "so, what was the part number you said you wanted?"
Unfortunately, areas I've lived lately don't have mom and pop stores where those conversations didn't happen. So, I tend to shop online when possible, or deal with the monkeys when I don't have time to.
You can’t just go in the parts store and say “I need a “X” for a 403 , they want the trim level ,headlight style , etc etc of your vehicle
Then they sell you a part for a Chevy 350 that you have to drive back to return ...
Or once the sold me an intake for a 455 Pontiac
Sent my sister to parts store to get a dipstick and tube for 403 I told her just say it’s an olds 350 so the don’t get confused
They asked her what vehicle ,told her “no sweety you’re wrong here is the part you need “.
for a Chevy 350 ... grrr
Online ordering is just easier if you have the time to research part numbers and wait for delivery