Time to pull one's panties out of their crack...and grow a thicker foreskin because the guys were just ribbing the new guy as it were. Take everything here with a grain of salt. Acting all defensive like that you're going to find out soon nobody is going to want to help. You got to learn to let water roll off your back or you're going to be angry an awful lot.
For some of us, we learned about PS fluid in the 3rd grade. Which could be many many years ago. So the "senior" folks tend to throw a little jazz at the newer guys asking what seems to us very basic questions. Don't take the ribbing personally. It's all in fun.
As for what kind, I've used the Delco and Prestone with equal results. You can even run the ATF if you wanted to. But it's red where most of the PS fluid is either clear or slightly tinted tan or brown-ish.
Find your power steering gear hoses on top of the unit which is on the inside driver's side of the frame right behind the radiator. Follow the hoses to the engine where you'll see a belt driven pump. There's a cap on the top of the reservoir. That's where you add the fluid. There's also a little dip stick on the cap bottom to show you if you're full or not.
Thank you for your wise but ball busting response.
I'm sure I'm not the only one that gets a little irritated here. We all have nice cars and have many questions about them.. No matter how simple or dumb they are. I barely said anything to anyone, so I'm just trynna move past this now.
While I don't expect an essay from you all, I do appreciate a well-explained response that really helps myself and others retain this information. Thanks to you, I've found the reservoir.
I appreciate your response... Prestone looks promising, I just wanted to hear it from someone else that has maybe had more experience with Gbodies.