Driving used to be fun. Nowadays it seems like they emptied out the mental institutions and handed them car keys on the way out. First off, EVERYBODY has traffic. Maybe not in the middle of Nevada, but everyone else has traffic and bonehead drivers are like a plague. Like the guy at the head of a LONG line at a bitchy light, who waits until the light turns green to put on his left turn signal! Or the guy who is way back at a light, so he drives around everyone right up the ONCOMING TRAFFIC LANE and cuts off the guy at the front! Or how about when traffic is rolling along nicely 20 mph over the limit, and here comes a rubberhead doing 100mph weaving in and out across all 3 lanes while yakking on a cell phone! Or how about the dope who wants to get out of a driveway or parking lot, so you take pity and wave him in, but he really wanted to go the other way, and now is blocking your whole lane waiting for the other side to let him in! DOH!!! And don't get me started on the way idiots blow through red lights and stop signs. Can you tell I hate driving anymore?