What makes YOU mad as hell when driving?

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i just hate when people dont understand the right of way, know your damn place. i also hate when people stick their noses out into traffic when trying to take a left turn and stop traffic in that direction, have some ****ing patience and wait for your damn turn.
when dumba** hipsters are driving those fracken Prisus' on the highway doing 90 in the fast lane, or when they are doing 50 in the fast lane and wont get out of your way when the speed limit is 65. Just cause you have a damned hybrid does not mean you get 45mpg doing 90 mph!
pontiacgp said:
I hate it when two transport trucks are have a race in lane 1 & 2 of a 3 lane highway. They are all limited by a governor to 65 mph so one may only 1mph faster and then you get some guy in the 3rd lane doing 67

In the EU (most of western Europe) any vehicle over 3500 kg (3 1/2 tons) has by law a limiter fitted to hold them to a maximum 90 kph (56 mph). A lot of our divided highways have only 2 lanes each way and it's common to see a line of cars waiting to get past 2 trucks, one doing 89.5 kph and the other 90.5, it might take miles for this to happen.
I don't get pissed at anyone driving at or a bit below the posted limit, why should they break the law because someone else is in a hurry?.
I despise those who don't know their car has turn signals or how to use them.
Using a cell phone while driving here will get you a penalty fine and penalty points on your licence. 3 penalty points for doing this, 12 points in 3 years and say goodbye to you licence for a while.
IMO those who don't like road users observing the speed limit tend to have vary limited driving skills themselves.

Anyone who has a roadworthy car, a valid licence and insurance is as entitled to use the road as much as anyone else, we are all obliged to drive with due care, we are not superior beings with more rights than anyone else.
Apart from me of course, I am the best driver ever and everone should get out of my way. :roll:

dream on mcss said:
yeah theres alot of dumbasses out there. whenever my mom lets me drive (illegally) i get soo pissed off because of the morons on the road. have you guys noticed that most of them are women driving brand new $50,000 suvs with 12 kids in the car? lol yeah and whenever im not driving im always calling out people on the road ill be like look at this dumbass. i do that ALL the time lol.
And as for the dicks who drive illegally, never come across one who could drive properly, never came across one with an IQ much past a decimal point, and as for their stupid parents who let them do it...........

rusty, here in the 3rd lane it's accepted and common to travel at 75 and the police don't bother you. It's ignorant and dangerous to others if you want to drive in the 3rd lane at the speed limit if the level of traffic permits you to travel at the usual 75. If someone wants to slide into the 3rd lane to pass someone then they need to get up to the flow of traffic immediately or stay in the lane they are in. It's not that I am in a hurry, I fall asleep if I drive too slow. I have SDS- Slow Driving Syndrome.. :mrgreen:
Over here the rule is stay in the inside lane unless you are passing another vehicle and move back in when you are safely past, it always struck me as odd that in America you can choose a lane and stay in it.

A little over the limit is normally winked at here too, but don't push your luck too far. Plus we have roadside speed cameras all over our roads.
yeah, it's kind of unfair to complain because someone refuses to break the law just because you want to. Try telling that to the cop who pulls you over. On the other hand, safe driving involves matching the general flow of the traffic. In Phoenix, on the interstates, that seems to be about 75, someplaces legal, others not.

What drives me nuts are the people getting on the freeway, accelerating slowly to about 50 (usually a young guy in a Prius or old lady in a big old Buick), and then trying to merge into traffic that's going 75. Yesterday a girl in front of me actually stopped and started looking for a break in the traffic - during rush hour...
And how about 4-way stop intersections? You go in counter-clockwise order and everyone is happy. But NOOOOO, I need to go NOW! and I don't care if I screw up the order or cause an accident, my time is WAY too important to wait my turn. Or better, I'll tailgate the guy ahead of me and ride his coat tails through the intersection so I won't have to wait. And let's not forget the morons who just HAVE to get right into the fast lane, and then slow down to 40 mph. :blam:
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