Whenever I drive through Boston or Cambridge here especially people are hyper militant about their bicycles and ride in the middle of the lane as much as possible. They also never signal turns of course so they will not hesitate to just ride infront of your car. I live next to Tufts University and people walk regardless if the light is red, yellow, green, or purple.
I hate being cut off so someone can merge. I-93 has been under construction all summer. At night, they close down two lanes. It's been like this for four months but people still ignore the fact you'll have to change lanes, they even warn you miles ahead. Tail-gaiting is rude, I admit I've done it when the car ahead of me is travelling under the speed limit though.
City driving is the worst thing.
I hate being cut off so someone can merge. I-93 has been under construction all summer. At night, they close down two lanes. It's been like this for four months but people still ignore the fact you'll have to change lanes, they even warn you miles ahead. Tail-gaiting is rude, I admit I've done it when the car ahead of me is travelling under the speed limit though.
City driving is the worst thing.