my last cutlass had the base 307 with the 200.
Honestly, I haven't checked my current car. I figured with a base 231 and 3spd, it would have been the 200 also. Guess I need to actually check it now.
Do the G-body's even use different RPO codes for the different transmissions that were put in these cars? -Or did they just slap whatever trans they could find, in there? (Like how they did with the various aluminum parts?)
Honestly, I haven't checked my current car. I figured with a base 231 and 3spd, it would have been the 200 also. Guess I need to actually check it now.
Do the G-body's even use different RPO codes for the different transmissions that were put in these cars? -Or did they just slap whatever trans they could find, in there? (Like how they did with the various aluminum parts?)