whats the best way to polish chrome?

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can you post some pics?
Intragration said:
Just my opinion, and repeating what's already been said, the oven cleaner may remove the anodizing, but you're going to potentially have a huge problem on your hands. It can mess up the aluminum, might leave it blotchy, any number of things. And it will hurt your paint too if you get any on it. Then, you will have to polish the newly-stripped trim for it to look good, and will then need to continue polishing it as previously mentioned, forever. I would HIGHLY recommend experimenting on a spare piece of trim OFF of the car, and if you like the results, then remove the rest of the trim you want to work on from the car and work on it OFF of the car. What we're talking about though is not the ideal solution. The ideal solution is to remove all the trim and have it professionally stripped and re-anodized. I had a situation where I HAD to get this done on a piece of trim. The price was so high that I now just smile and move along when I see the rainbow thing you're talking about.

I agree with you on that point... and gbody vet do it looks like a great alternative to getting them professionally redone.
G-body, I think the powder coating is an interesting thought. From the pics, the chrome doesn't quite look like chrome, but it has that same sort of characteristic look of anodized trim. Probably would be worth a try. I wonder though, how would that adhere to something as smooth as bright trim? And if there was an adhesion problem, would it sheet off, or chip off, or what? I'm not that familiar with it.
As long as it gets bead blasted and prepped properly there shouldn't be any adhesion issues. My only concern is that it would have to get an additional coat of clear on top of the chrome to make it more scratch resistant. I'll see about locating a piece this week and experimenting with it. Maybe it's kind of a wacky idea but whatever. I've seen worse!
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