Greetings FoxTrot & all; You're livin' the good life. I've been under the impression that the one that puts the MOST Mles on the fastest cars available at the time WINS. Where your DD is in the quickest 10% on the vehicles on the road & your hobby (FUN - Summer) car is in the top 5% or better. That's when you're livin'. You guys livin' in Southern climates have the best chance of winning this race. As most of our northern winter automobiles are Slugs. We have to suffer or put 4 good snow's on a FUN car. I drove the GuTOo many winter days picking the days with MINIMAL salt. And washing Very very often, that includes the bottom (the dirty side that we usually keep down). The COcoold winter air really helps these modern Hallo' cars Preform! But then so does the air box on the Bronze Brick, it's just July instead of January. Maybe not quite as dramatic. Keep Warm Ole' Bob.
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