565bbchevy said:One thing I also so do before I have a tire balanced is after cleaning the areas where the stick on weights will go I actually use a marker and put arrows and guidelines where the weights have to go to clear my calipers(more important for the rears) I try to make it as moron proof as possible.
I actually had a Discount Tire mount my slicks with tubes once and I even had to supply the baby powder and instead of dusting the tubes they used so much that when they went to balance it they said it was moving up and down on the machine, when I tore it down there was almost half a cup of powder in one area.
Discount Tire Sucks The store here in Surprise AZ. Broke two studs on my Wifes car, And never told me about it she was driving around for two months with only 3 lug nuts on the Left Ft wheel.
I took it back and the Mgr. Acted like it was no big deal.