It took me a long time to choose the more expensive one, but the clearance issue was first, and secondly I went with a milder W-30 Auto cam. I cannot imagine my foot staying in it above 5400 even when I like the sound, and I wanted it to pull from idle and not have to get a higher stall. I do have the large valves and the HP exhaust manifolds so if I am unhappy down the road I will move up to the 7111....IF the hood will still close without mods. I personally do not like the cowl look. So, I will fiddle and tweak the things I have here already and wait patiently for the box from Jegs. I can install it after I make the engine swap even, just prefer to work on the stand. I still have to install the water and fuel pumps, the oil pump and then put the pan on, the valve covers. And in a month I will have the Qjet ordered. I have to take a breath after every $400 increment because every part of this has been just about double what I budgeted. Maybe I'll find a July 4 cruise in and take my chances.