Why is everyone on here so hostile?

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pontiacgp said:
rustyroger said:
If you want to start a fire just mention something political and watch the flames.....

so about that Queen of yours.... :mrgreen:

Um, yeah, before I'd go off on someone for making a side-jab about politics, you might want to recall what just happened there.

No more politics (or "big wheels" crap) in this thread TYVFM. Just a warning to everyone....

Now I'll go back to sitting back and watching you guys scratch each others eyes out. lol. :itchy:
All joking aside, you guys about nailed it with the fact that you don't have to go bashing cars, or a certain look or anything just because its here.

The flipside of that, is even if somebody does come back with the usual "no sir, I don't like it", there's no rule that says you have to drag it out with the 'ur a hater' crap. "Opinions/*ssh*les" sure, but the old "sticks and stones" thing applies equally well. Just move on or ignore it. :friday:
EDIT by GP403:

[some more hostility related to politics and opinions and what not removed]

What the ___ Did I just say? :roll:

Further edit by GP403:

Still shaking my head that certain parties tried to turn a thread trying to solve some of the problems, into one containing yet more of those problems....
Hostile...really? wow......
**** YOU, thats why! KIDDING! :lol: :lol: :lol: im not to sure what brings about hostility, but its just the way things werk out sometimes. i try not and get involved but there are somethings that get under my skin, but if it makes me that mad, im prolly too drunk anyway. ill admit i have more than a few drunk post, but imma jolly drunk. i make fun of myself than i do anyone else and if ya cant laugh at yerself, then no one will. or something like that :roll:
othtim said:
This is one of the nicest car forums ever! I love this forum because people are so nice and chill. it's awesome.

I would tend to agree, it may not be perfect, but it could be a lot worse.(Thankfully there are moderators, I don't envy the job they have). However after reading this thread, I can't help myself. It's time to share this.... :mrgreen:

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! PRICELESS!!!!! :rofl:
I think why is 'everyone' so hostile is a little unfair. There are plenty people on here that haters try to engage and I see their response with smiley faces 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 and :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: / :?: :?: :?: or :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: in return.

Dont engage player haters and you'll be just fine. They're definitely just mad they cant afford to buy all the parts you can and just left your photo section - so you should feel honored to have these haters on your back because they secretly love your car and are super jealous!

As for me, I've only encountered hostility when it came down to suggesting the cheaper/quicker path to success or redneck repair type stuff. Understand that not everyone has the automotive background you older men have. When I bought my 1988 Cutlass Brougham, it was to have a car of my birth year. I'm 23 years old! This car was technically created in 1987 before I was born. I have a lot of catching up to do on repair knowledge, and as you well know the haynes manual and odb system arent going to help me very much - so I signed up here!
I dont have the budget some people here have to do everything the 'right way'. A female caused me to lose my 1979 monte carlo and set me back $1,000's in auto parts (msd distributor/coil&wires/6AL and 5 speakers/ pre-amp - gone)

- so when I take my cutlass out of storeage in a few months and my money isnt long - dont be surprised to see the 350 truck engine dropping in - I'm in Indiana where its Chevrolet heaven and thats all I can afford - I can get it for < $150 on a good day. But I'm already knowing haters will show up to the thread with the oldsmobile this and oldsmobile that discussion (hostility) and I'm not even worried about it. What a hater thinks makes me none $$$. One year ago to this day I had 4 cars in front of my house back-to-back. Now I'm down to one. When I get the Cutlass back I'm not going to have time for all that do-it right stuff. I never thought I would 'need' the car. Now I definitely need it, and I need it now. You'll see in a few months when I post it up how its done quickly for the low price and I'll post in advance this song for all who arent going to like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zs4iwhePj4
The post regarding proper English is right on the mark. I don't always spell or punctuate correctly, but I try. I have 40 + years experience in cars and love to help younger guys get started. But I can't deal with ;"Yo, dem rimz be gangsta and sh*t! I'm down wid dat ****, u be chillin' fo real dawg!" Especially when it comes from some 18 year old scrawny little white boy. :mrgreen:
On a forum where most are from a culture that would speak that way, then of course by all means use whatever language suits the forum, but on here, most are just average folks and speak with normal dialects. You'll get a better reception if you do as well. Lord knows I don't care how anyone talks among their peers, but even today on the streets the vast majority just use normal conversational English. :wink:
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