why side pipes only belong on the vette.

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G-Body Guru
Jun 19, 2007
Methuen Ma.
Hey they don't look too bad on your Monte megaladon6
they are illegal where i live.


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
thanks. i really do have to get the shields on there though, they get HOT! :D
what state are you in? why are they illegal? other than the emissions crap, that is. they aren't all that loud, comprable to a standard high performance/street exhaust. it's just a 4ft muffler really.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Ummm...I think they make the Cobra look awesome! It's part of that car's appeal. It's rude, raw and totally uncivilized, and the sidepipes really contribute to the overall aesthetic. I am also a fan of side exit exhaust like on a 1970 AAR Cuda. The original Viper was another good application of sidepipes as the later ones seem wussified without them-even if they are faster.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Derision said:
I believe that side pipes also belong on ridiculous looking vans.


The wheels ruin that Ford Transit, otherwise it's not bad...for a van...


Master Mechanic
Sep 30, 2007
North West IL
If the person that owns the vehicle with the side pipes and other things you mentioned like the look of their vehicle then that is all that matters. They are the ones that have to look at it everyday and take care of those parts every day. If someone doesn't like the looks they can always close their eyes and walk away no problem. If we all did what everyone says looks good we would all be driving the same boring things. What is that saying"One mans junk is one mans treasure." That is one thing I like about this site everyone has their own version of what looks right to them. Me personally, I love all the cars on here because I'm a true car lover. I love the different ideas everyone has on here. It is always exciting to see what new idea someone has come up with for their cars what variety of parts someone has installed and color they have painted their cars and parts. I personally don't like green cars or parts but I have to admit I have seen some very nice cars painted green and motors with the green theme.They were done very tastefully. To each his own I say. Just my 2 cents worth. Sorry for the rambling on and on.


G-Body Guru
Jun 19, 2007
Methuen Ma.
megaladon6 in mass. the law states that the exhaust pipes must exit after the rear tires and not before, i guess they say it's because the exhaust fumes might seep inside the car through the body somehow and put you to sleep while your driving?? i don't know...but i do remember back in the 70's that they were legal at one time.
I did buy a 1980 GP from this guy that had a custom duel exhaust which was bent out 45 degrees and exited out before the rear tires in the 80's and i never got stopped by the pOlice.

Silent viewer

Royal Smart Person
May 9, 2007
i think the side pipes are awesome on like old t buckets and rods. on a g body, you will never in a million years see me with them, no offense to those with them. plus my regal is on air ride and the cutlass sits too low already so i would tear tehm right off!


Jul 24, 2007
Nightmare388 said:
If the person that owns the vehicle with the side pipes and other things you mentioned like the look of their vehicle then that is all that matters. They are the ones that have to look at it everyday and take care of those parts every day. If someone doesn't like the looks they can always close their eyes and walk away no problem. If we all did what everyone says looks good we would all be driving the same boring things. What is that saying"One mans junk is one mans treasure." That is one thing I like about this site everyone has their own version of what looks right to them. Me personally, I love all the cars on here because I'm a true car lover. I love the different ideas everyone has on here. It is always exciting to see what new idea someone has come up with for their cars what variety of parts someone has installed and color they have painted their cars and parts. I personally don't like green cars or parts but I have to admit I have seen some very nice cars painted green and motors with the green theme.They were done very tastefully. To each his own I say. Just my 2 cents worth. Sorry for the rambling on and on.

The bad part about trying to be "different" is, Now when he realises he doesn't want them any more and tries to sell them. He'll be sitting on those things for ever, till they rot. Bottom line on a G-Body = gross. I guarentee 98% of G-Body owners would agree.


Royal Smart Person
May 13, 2007
Pratt, KS
i don't think it looks that bad. it's better than the same sh*t we see everyday that everyone has
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