You noobs wanna see a True Baller's car?

What American T.V. show will Pontiacgp appear on first?

  • Dateline's "To Catch a Predator"

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • A&E's Intervention for wine cooler and crystal meth abuse

    Votes: 25 58.1%

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SquirrelMaster28 said:
Also, your country is utterly dependant on our “screwed up” country

Umm, no. If we're so dependent on you. We should cut off all the oil, water, lumber, and hydro that you guys need from us.

What do you guys give us? OK the entertainment industry. But then again, look at you top 100 current songs. No thanks, we don't want all that pop and hip-hop. And I guess there have been quite a few good movies these days. But how many of them were shot up here?

What else do we depend on you for? You guys (and any other country) can't brag about any of the cars that you are currently producing.

I guess we have lots of you big chain stores (like Wal Mart). But they just sell crappy products. And they kill off all the good small businesses. Thanks for that.

And then there's your army. Yes you have a good strong force. But when's the last time we needed it? I'll tell you what I do see. You're country sticking their nose in other countries affairs and starting wars. How many of our soldiers (and numerous other countries) are helping fight your battles, and how many of your soldiers are helping fight our battles?

Now don't get me wrong, I do like the US. But don't sit down there and think that we rely on you in any way.
I really wasn't trying to rag on Canada. Living in MN I know lots of Canadians. I was just giving pontiacgp a hard time for being an idiot. Thar being said, weather you like the thought of it or not, your country's economy is utterly dependant on ours. I'm not saying that as an insult, just a statement of fact.
Pheonyx...don't get down too hard on him...he admitted he has a "sever gambling addiction " and that type of person has a low self esteem and tend to lie any gamble addict he's just dreamer and is begging for attention and if you check back on him in a year or two his baller car will probably be in the same condition...


Like other addictions, compulsive gambling is cloaked in shame, denial, secrets, pre-meditation, physiological stimulation, lies, depression, mood swings, suicidal ideation, and more! This list sounds like the typical symptoms and behaviors associated with alcoholism or drug addiction. The painful destruction around the gambling addict as experienced by the addict s family and friends can be extremely traumatic. This illness can be debilitating for the entire system from which the gambler emerges. The self deception and erratic mood swings are often confusing to everyone, including the gambling addict themselves. This is a disease of altered perception which centers in the mind. The addicts actions of gambling can be classified as a symptom, with the underlying core issues centering around low self esteem and lacking a sense of self. The compulsive gambler is externally focused in an attempt to self medicate sub-consciously using the entire ritual of gambling, before, during, and after the experience as a medicine. Unfortunately, the extreme psychological crash after the intense high can be likened to the severe roller coaster fall experienced when the cocaine addict tumbles down after their high.

The willingness often demonstrated by the affected person s family to accept promises and illusions of him or her "self correcting" can be astonishing. This is a by-product of the built in denial system the addicts family and friends have for the people they love and care about. The sincere promise that the insane behavior is over, or that the big win next time will fix everything is commonplace. This self deception to the addict themselves and to others is an attempt to gain control and make sense of their life s predicament. "
pontiacgp said:
Pheonyx...don't get down too hard on him...he admitted he has a "sever gambling addiction " and that type of person has a low self esteem and tend to lie any gamble addict he's just dreamer and is begging for attention and if you check back on him in a year or two his baller car will probably be in the same condition... "

HAHAHA!! You can add that to the list of things you took too seriously. :rofl:

I can tell you first hand he doesn't, I've known him for over 14 years...
Besides, do you really think he'd come on here the way he did, and then just open up about something like that? Unlikely.

Every post on here has been for laughs(whether you laugh or not), don't give it any more thought than that... :lol:

If you guys take yourselves so seriously that you can't see the blatent humor in stuff like this, just move on to another thread, otherwise be prepared to get swept up in the joke yourself. 😛
Blake442 said:
otherwise be prepared to get swept up in the joke yourself...
I think it's a little late for that :lol: :owned:
BY FAR the funniest thing about this thread is the misspellings. Most of you are several years older than me and debating topics which would require you to have a moderate level of intelligence to actually defend your view points on. Yet, many of you still have not even a basic mastery of grammar, punctuation, or vocabulary.
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