I've got everything hooked up to drive, except alternator which I'm just wanting to drive around the block to check everything out so battery charge will do.
The engine idles fine in park/neutral when I get it going. For some reason it's getting too much gas (holley 770cfm 4150 street avenger), I smell it when the engine's off and it tends to shoot some flames when trying to turn over.
But I can deal with that as the carb will be tuned after I get exhaust, my main problem is the car stalling to nothing after I try to put it in reverse or drive.
I've cranked up the idle at park/neutral to 1500-1600 rpms now and it does the same thing. I'll try again in about a half hour after it stops letting out fumes, with idle set at 2000-2200 and see if it'll go in gear.
Any tips or thoughts on what might be wrong? It just stalls quick and hard to 0 rpms when shifting into gear, th350 trans and sbc
It's vacuum advance and electric choke, I have the choke turned off but the wire is connected. Shouldn't be a problem as I just warm it up with the throttle once it starts. I set the timing correctly last night
The engine idles fine in park/neutral when I get it going. For some reason it's getting too much gas (holley 770cfm 4150 street avenger), I smell it when the engine's off and it tends to shoot some flames when trying to turn over.
But I can deal with that as the carb will be tuned after I get exhaust, my main problem is the car stalling to nothing after I try to put it in reverse or drive.
I've cranked up the idle at park/neutral to 1500-1600 rpms now and it does the same thing. I'll try again in about a half hour after it stops letting out fumes, with idle set at 2000-2200 and see if it'll go in gear.
Any tips or thoughts on what might be wrong? It just stalls quick and hard to 0 rpms when shifting into gear, th350 trans and sbc
It's vacuum advance and electric choke, I have the choke turned off but the wire is connected. Shouldn't be a problem as I just warm it up with the throttle once it starts. I set the timing correctly last night