I'm new to this forum, and I don't have a G-body vehicle (yet). But, I used to have an 80 Olds Cutlass Supreme. My question- is it normal to want a car that is over 30 years old? It's not normal is it? And, yet I do. Can anyone explain the logic behind this feeling I have? I don't need a 33 year old car. There are 1/2 dozen things that I should spend the money on (new home windows, new daily driver, new storm door, etc.). But, this bug has hit me that can't be pried from my head. It does not make common sense, and yet I want one. I'm not saying it's crazy. Many people buy boats, cars, jewelry, and other things they don't need. But, this feeling is new to me. So, I wanted to get other opinions of why someone does this? Maybe nobody can explain it. I don't need a thirty year old vehicle, yet I still want one with every fiber of my being? Give me your story. What made you buy a G-body car that you don't really NEED? Any advice would help. This bug that bit me- is it normal after all? Thanks for listening.