My Camry is (maybe not?) on it's deathbed- Rant

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Just assume anything financial given to family is a gift. Expecting to get paid back is often wishful thinking. Banks exist to loan money.

If you have ever listened to Dave Ramsey, one of his big things is never loan family money or things. The issues caused from you not loaning family money is often nothing compared to the arguments that you get in when you try to collect on it.
Quick Update. The car is still running, it's been getting my sister back and forth to work (60 miles round trip, mostly highway) 5 days a week. The oil pressure light went out sometime around a week (sister wasn't exactly sure when) after it came on and I did the oil change, and hasn't come back on since. I've been checking the level myself about twice a week and topping it off accordingly. When I checked it today it was down about a quart, but still registering on the dipstick. I've had a bottle of Lucas High Mileage Oil Stabilizer I got for free sitting on the shelf so on a whim I decided to top it off with the Lucas. I figure it can't hurt, and maybe it'll slow the consumption a little. After topping the engine off, I started it and it was running noticeably quieter than it has been. Here's the stuff I put in-

I know it's a band-aid fix and I'm not expecting any miracles, but with the light going off, and the noise quieting down with the Lucas, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm gonna continue to keep a close eye on it, but if I can keep it running on Lucas engine syrup until I have the cash for a good used engine I'd be thrilled.
I have 3 sisters too, and luckily only one of them is catastrophically stupid.
The oldest is special needs so she is the exception to the rule, but the others are pieces of work. The 2nd oldest is currently separated after 14 years of marriage(tons of money, honesty, etc issues from both sides). She is the classic dumb blonde and never keeps her lies straight and tells everybody something different lol. She tried to get us to believe it was all his fault (I knew better and still talk to him). Finally I heard enough and I called her bluff on it...haven't talked to her much in the past couple months.
Sister #3 who is a few years older than me is living back at our parents with their 18 year old daughter after her and her husband lost their house due to improper money management! Not to mention she tried to work the Gov't for food stamps....worked for a couple years until they did an audit....fined her *ss almost $10K with possibility of jail time, but my parents bailed her out instead of learning a hard lesson.
While I'm on my soap box, my dumbass younger brother who is 33 has never left my parents house, mooches for beer, cigs, money for who knows what else, but yet gets pissed when I call him out and try to motivate his lazy *ss to get a real job! His idea of "real work" is to cut a few yards around the hood, work on cars for beer money. Then my parents tell me to leave him alone when I bust his chops!!!

I'm not perfect, but have been self sufficient since my early adult years and have zero plans of going back! 'Drops the mic'
I'm the youngest of 3... And I've learned that I'm the only good one. LoL

I'm not on speaking terms with my sister because she owes me almost ten grand and keeps lying to me and dodging me. The crazy part is she has a great job, I have a crappy job that doesn't pay a lot. My brother is an idiot too, he has blown so much money on get rich quick scams and pyramid schemes. He thinks he's a genius though, smarter than everyone else always plotting his next "mogul business move". He gets mad that I criticize him for making bad financial decisions, she just cries that she desperately needs money.

Long story short, I'd tell your sister to get bent. She screwed you over, you don't owe her anything.
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Yeah, as said family can be tough, we have good and bad. I am currently running 20W50 in our Tercel with 400,000 km and uses/leaks oil, it does help. My Wife's brother who teaches mechanics and is a great guy in Brandon where all my girls will be going to University. I will probably get him to do the rear main and any other gaskets in the fall and I will add a battery maintainer in the fall to plug in with the block heater, worked great on my Dakota which sits a lot.
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