For those that care, 60s-70s model GM alternators used an alpha-numeric date code with 3 or 4 digits.
D, or DD=day of the month. Typically, from day 1-9, they just used one digit. Sometimes they used two digits such as "06". Just depended on who was setting up the stamping machine.
For example: A date code of 8G27 = July 27,1968, or 1978. To determine the exact year may be difficult, but usually not impossible. Works great on original cars. Alternators and distributors, etc., were usually (not always) manufactured within a few months of the car's production date.
Month Codes:
A=Jan, B=Feb, C=March, D=April, E=May, F=June, G=July, H=Aug, J=Sept, K=Oct, L=Nov, M=Dec. (Note: the "I" is not used because it could be mistaken for a 1.)
You can sometimes rule out a year if you know they didn't make the part in that year. The 63A alternator you have could not have been made in 1989, although GM still reman'd them.
They seemed to use that code system for 1980-83, and used the numbers 1-9 for January through September. They used a letter code for October (O), November (N), and December (D). Followed by the 2 digit day date, and the single digit year code.
Month, Day, Year
Example: If your alternator was actually built on November 5, 1981, your date code would be N051.
And apparently, around the start of the 84 run, GM went back to the old code system. WTF?? Where they went back to the old month codes, but re-arranged the year back to the front.
Year, Month, Double digit day- again.
Example: If your alternator was originally built on November 5, 1989, your date code would likely be 9L05. So, basically the same date code on your 63A version. But since they stopped making/using 10SI on G-bodies by 1983...
Real world- 1983
H/O alternator date code of N093 November 9, 1982. And an 1985 442 original alternator. Built in February 1985. Alternator date stamp is 5A31, or January 31, 1985. Makes sense.
Barely readable but it says 5A31 under the part number.
And I know nobody asked for this, but see the attached Delco-Remy installation instructions pdf for alternators. It talks about re-clocking them as needed, too.