Chapter 8, Shakedown.
I was working at my buddy's shop all last week and my brother was slaving on the Nova. We had to put in a few late nights to tie up some loose ends. Got it done Wednesday night so he could drive it to work Thursday (the last forecast dry day of the summer). Here's how it looked after it's first real trip. Note the high-end Burnett's gin bottle overflow and lack of air filter. We're still trying to agree on acceptable solutions for those two details.
The official report is that it ran really strong and stayed cool. It still needs a permanent PCM that's flashed specifically for his combination but at least it's mobile for now. Even as it is "traction is an issue". He stopped by my house to borrow my lawn mower. This thing actually does get used as a truck hauling wood, gravel and dirt bikes on a regular basis along with occasionally pulling trailers. We were standing around talking about how much more ridiculously fun it is to drive now when he asked when I wanted to start in on my sedan. Maybe a hint of things to come? Get in line.
I was working at my buddy's shop all last week and my brother was slaving on the Nova. We had to put in a few late nights to tie up some loose ends. Got it done Wednesday night so he could drive it to work Thursday (the last forecast dry day of the summer). Here's how it looked after it's first real trip. Note the high-end Burnett's gin bottle overflow and lack of air filter. We're still trying to agree on acceptable solutions for those two details.

The official report is that it ran really strong and stayed cool. It still needs a permanent PCM that's flashed specifically for his combination but at least it's mobile for now. Even as it is "traction is an issue". He stopped by my house to borrow my lawn mower. This thing actually does get used as a truck hauling wood, gravel and dirt bikes on a regular basis along with occasionally pulling trailers. We were standing around talking about how much more ridiculously fun it is to drive now when he asked when I wanted to start in on my sedan. Maybe a hint of things to come? Get in line.