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AWWWWWW YEAH! Lookin sweet bruh! And Im with Chris...If you are not ready to show her, get her where you want it first. Some dudes (like myself) like to show things in each stage. Others want their rides all the way clean before breaking it out. Keep chipping away fam. Lookin damn good!!!

Elco Warren 8)
80z :twisted:
Ok, so over the weekend i drove the malibu and was having some trouble starting the car after a little test drive, it sounded like it didnt want to turn over, like no power, there was $40.00 of gas so i knew that wasent the issue :wink: , everytime i would turn the key and crank my motor i would look at my volt gauge, it would be at 12-14 volts, then with the crank it will drop all the way to 2volts.. :blam: This dayum 70-85-90 stock volt alternators... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If you think about it im running Banging System, Lights, Electric fans, etc etc...on the stock alternator...so i went out to the junk yard and with all the help i read here on the forum i found a CS130 Alternator off a 1992 Chevy Pick-up Truck 5.7L, i was looking for a CS144 but no luck, I have heard nothing but good thing about both alternators just your preference...Took to autozone and PASSED twice 😀

They only thing know is i need to find a pigtail alternator connector that will plug and play from a SI alt to a CS alt..ive done my research and found out that i need a connector with a resistor since the malibu had a Alt/Batt light when i had the horizantal stock gauge cluster...if i had it stock and connected i would need the connector with the resistor becuase the red light would give me the ohms that i would of needed...its very confusing, but real easy,just some good reading and u can figure it all out...plus theres some topics here on the forum...Im sure this alternator will do its job.


Nice score bruh. Before you install the "new" alt, Try this first--hit auto zone up and get a couple 4 gauge grounding wires. They have the ends on em already. Clean/sand the metal ends as well as any paint on the frame. You want a really clean contact. Make that 3 cables from the zone. One for the battery neg to frame, 1 from the alt case to frame and one from the block to frame. The heavier awg the ground wire the better. This should also help out the spark plugs as they ground to the block (I think). I had the same issue on the el with the stock alt. I did some snooping around and found all the grounds were in terrible shape-some even not screwed in securely. Made all the difference. Go back thru you stereo setup and make sure all ur grounds are clean and "good solid grounds". Just because a part comes on once you "ground" it that doesn't always mean its a good ground. When I did this on the 305, my stock alt handled all the extras (stereo, hid's ect) with no probs. also clean any paint off the firewall and head that u used for the ground strap to the firewall. Google "the big 3 upgrade". May be something u wanna do down the line. Lookin good tho fam!!

Elco Warren
Yes sir i will do so, i think i have checked the ground in da trunk and fire wall to block, those area have been done, but not the others u mentioned, will look into it this weekend.... Thanks again big dawg...
I run a 140 amp one wire alt and i have a 00g pwr wire running from the alt to the battery from the battery to my compressors and system i have have 00g marine grade power wire on a 140a circuit breaker. i have 00ga ground off both my battery's to the frame and 00ga motor. I have a 0gauge cross connect to tie both battery's together. and finally i have a 4 gauge wire that runs in to the car to power the fuse box.
its totally overkill but i never have any headlight dimming issues or low voltage issues
my work load is as follows

dual electric fans
high flow fuel pump
2 cross fire 2000w amps
2 viair 444 compressors
on top of all the normal stuff
91hrdbdy said:
I run a 140 amp one wire alt and i have a 00g pwr wire running from the alt to the battery from the battery to my compressors and system i have have 00g marine grade power wire on a 140a circuit breaker. i have 00ga ground off both my battery's to the frame and 00ga motor. I have a 0gauge cross connect to tie both battery's together. and finally i have a 4 gauge wire that runs in to the car to power the fuse box.
its totally overkill but i never have any headlight dimming issues or low voltage issues
my work load is as follows

dual electric fans
high flow fuel pump
2 cross fire 2000w amps
2 viair 444 compressors
on top of all the normal stuff

Thats a clean set-up, great info, but i got the convertion alternator connector to run SI to CS, so i think i can by pass all that? its plug and play...


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I think u may have misunderstood bro's reply family. He upgraded his alt AND beefed up his wires running to it as well as grounds ect...You wanna do a lil of what he did no matter what alternator, alt clip or whatever you decide to run. What he's done is basically "The Big 3 Upgrade" and then some-which is what I was saying for you to look into further down the road.(ref my vids on big 3 upgrade). Upgrading all ur wires to 4 gauge as I mentioned will help u out big time over stock. Doing what he did (0 gauge) will get things right. You can upgrade the alt but if ur grounds and power to the alt are weak, ur alt will not operate at its full potential. It may look as if things are better at first, but probs may pop up later. Basically... Upgrade all ur wires bruh. That's why I said try that first and I bet u will see a huge difference(that is as long as ur old alt is ok) Then upgrade to the beefier alt and do 0 gauge later on...don't rush to install it. Learn a lil more on how it works, hooks up ect....;-)

Elco warren
Ahhhh i seee what hes sayin know, he upgraded his wires to get good ground and a better connection...i see i see my bad..lol
Labor day walk around::

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