Hahahahaha I fell asleep while the files were uploading from my camera...it was a looong day! So it is finally painted!! I am very happy with the results. Once the car is running i'll be taking it to get the line x treatment in the bed. I plan on using the car to haul parts and decided the painted bed isnt going to work for me.
This is what the color looks like in the light, very similar to the color on the original brown sugar
The tailgate, still missing one color on the top
Car looks a lot darker in low lighted areas
The car is getting wet sanded at the moment. The Pinstriper will be stopping by friday morning to do his thing then the car will get a few more coats of clear then color sanded and buffed.
My spectre air cleaner came in as well, I am excited to see what it looks like on the car. Big thanks to my homie elcoWarren for introducing me to the spectre brand.
ordered the rest of my clips for the trim and some gm side marker lights with hardware and gaskets
I also dropped off more trim to get repolished, This is going to be a VERY expensive week!!! :shock: Lets just hope the wifey doesn't see some of the invoices that come in the mail