Yesterday a buddy came over and helped determine that it is most likely a fuel problem. We bypassed the tank and lines with some redneck technology, same result.
Changed to a hotter coil and new cap. I was able to get hold of a non cc carb in known working order, so today I will pull plugs, change pump and change carb if need be.
We are thinking mixture solinoid on the existing carb maybe the culprit, but I will eliminate the easy stuff first.
I'll post results either way.
The problem is getting worse btw. It fully stalled out a number of times yesterday. Give her gas, she jerks like starving, then dies. Pump and crank a few times and she rolls again until you step into it too much, then dies again. Like carb is running out of fuel.
Lol, in the process of replacing old vac lines I came across a nifty little gadget. It consists of two plastic encased magnets that stick together around the steel fuel line just down from the carb. I'm looking at this thing thinking WTF is that? Never seen that before. So I take it off and read it... 'Super Fuel Saver' lmao! Nothing more to it than a magnet. Some moron before me actually bought into one of these! Unfortunately, removing it did not fix my problem.
Changed to a hotter coil and new cap. I was able to get hold of a non cc carb in known working order, so today I will pull plugs, change pump and change carb if need be.
We are thinking mixture solinoid on the existing carb maybe the culprit, but I will eliminate the easy stuff first.
I'll post results either way.
The problem is getting worse btw. It fully stalled out a number of times yesterday. Give her gas, she jerks like starving, then dies. Pump and crank a few times and she rolls again until you step into it too much, then dies again. Like carb is running out of fuel.
Lol, in the process of replacing old vac lines I came across a nifty little gadget. It consists of two plastic encased magnets that stick together around the steel fuel line just down from the carb. I'm looking at this thing thinking WTF is that? Never seen that before. So I take it off and read it... 'Super Fuel Saver' lmao! Nothing more to it than a magnet. Some moron before me actually bought into one of these! Unfortunately, removing it did not fix my problem.