Part of the reason stuff costs more in Canada. I am sure the 5 people fluent in French in Western Canada appreciate it😉. Yeah I started doing oil changes on the Challenger. I used Penzoil Ultra Platinum 0W20 this time. Otherwise I will probably use the Made in Regina, Saskatchewan, Coop Sonic Synthetic 100% with POA Synthetic Group 4 base oil and Dexos 1 Gen 2 approved and the latest Ford and Chrysler specs. I drive fuel truck for Coop, so I use their oil. Oil filters are a tough one, heard good and bad about nearly all of them. I have been using the new at CT OE plus oil filters, metal end caps and a good anti drain back valve. Or Hastings filters, cheap at Peavy Mart and Made in the USA in the same factory as Baldwin. Just pretty much those two exclusively, best bang for the buck, both around $8 to $10. Heard the K+N has changed and Wix is made all over the world now, no longer by Dana in Canada, multiple locations.French b*tches