6 Degress of Kevin Bacon & I Have A Bacon Number Of 3 (I Know, Silly)

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Sep 14, 2014
Elderton, Pa
Yes, this is silly but after just some odd thing the wife brought up just a bit ago some how lead to me realizing I can fall into the "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon".
So this is the connection. You have me, then my mom met Jack Nicholson (along with Danny DeVito) while they were filming Hoffa on the North Side of Pittsburgh, which in turn he was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon. From the way someone set up the "Bacon Number" by how many people out from him who he worked with brings me in with a 3. Now UC645, joesregalproject & Tomeal all get a 4 since we all have met. Then my wife is now really thinking I'm off my rocker over this but I'm just having fun with this. Who thought from a chance encounter at a middle school lunch room in '92 I'd be able play along with this. I really need to get back to working on my Monte Carlo.
Kevin Bacon No Thanks GIF by Team Coco
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Yes, you need to go work on your car more.

Next thing we know you will be selling your car.🤣
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Yes, this is silly but after just some odd thing the wife brought up just a bit ago some how lead to me realizing I can fall into the "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon".
So this is the connection. You have me, then my mom met Jack Nicholson (along with Danny DeVito) while they were filming Hoffa on the North Side of Pittsburgh, which in turn he was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon. From the way someone set up the "Bacon Number" by how many people out from him who he worked with brings me in with a 3. Now UC645, joesregalproject & Tomeal all get a 4 since we all have met. Then my wife is now really thinking I'm off my rocker over this but I'm just having fun with this. Who thought from a chance encounter at a middle school lunch room in '92 I'd be able play along with this. I really need to get back to working on my Monte Carlo.
Kevin Bacon No Thanks GIF by Team Coco
I’m both mildly intrigued and slightly worried. You getting enough oxygen over there? PennDot letting you out to breathe every now and then?

Yes, you do need to work on your car more, you also need to get those seatbelts off of me too, don’t forget ;)
Yes, you need to go work on your car more.

Next thing we know you will be selling your car.🤣
If he does, I call first dibs on his parts stashes!
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I’m both mildly intrigued and slightly worried. You getting enough oxygen over there? PennDot letting you out to breathe every now and then?

He's been huffing that linestriping paint...
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Yes, you need to go work on your car more.

Next thing we know you will be selling your car.🤣
I’m both mildly intrigued and slightly worried. You getting enough oxygen over there? PennDot letting you out to breathe every now and then?

Yes, you do need to work on your car more, you also need to get those seatbelts off of me too, don’t forget ;)

If he does, I call first dibs on his parts stashes!
He's been huffing that linestriping paint...
The only way the car is going to be sold is if the wife buries me in the backyard. At times I do think she's trying.
Now we are getting more diesel fumes now since our section of the building is being used as the garage cause someone has the bright idea to coat the garage floor with a coating that has to cure for over a month before use but will need pads & plates cause the finish chips from everything that touches it. Need money for equipment & parts but a useless coating was the better choice. But I do get out for fresh air (& smelly deer.)
I know I need to get over your way for them. Who know, maybe some other stuff too.
The line paint is water based so no good brain cell killers in it.
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I probably have a bacon number of two...

I like to eat bacon. Kevin bacon's last name is bacon. If need be you could expand it to 3 by saying your choice of he eats bacon too, or, that he likes bacon and we have a shared interest. Or, you could give everyone who posted in a thread of yours on here a +1 to your number I suppose....
I'll play. I have a number of 3. I met Duane Johnson around 15 years ago at the NASCAR race at Texas Motor Speedway. He has a number of 2.
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My sister had him as a customer in a Hotel Restaurant (Cafe @ Hotel Northampton) around 2000 or so and I actually saw him and his Brother Hiking Pike's Peak in Coloardo back in 2009 and they put on a little show at the summit for a very small crowd
. The guy really does get around.
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