85GPLef41 said:what certain speed does the "roaring" begin and stop? low? High? Any vibrations?
it starts around 45 50 mph area. its a roaring+vibrations. when i let off on the gas and get below that speed it stops.
megaladon6 said:At this point you may have to put it on jack stands and run it up to speed and see if you hear the noise. Sometimes applying the brakea helps here too. If you do have the noise, and a second person, use a stethoscope or length of hose to listen to various parts of the rear for where its loudest.
yesterday i got it up on my buddys lift and we got it up to around 50mph and it sounds like its coming from the driveshaft again. but what gets me is, i drove the car 30 miles with this going on and the ****er didnt let go. im going to get it rebalanced again and see what happens. i got a few leads on a few 8.5 but to much for me rite now.