Well that was a heck of a long winter!
Had to move the wagon yesterday so that we could get our leaking water heater replaced, needed room to get the old one out and the new one in...
So I dug out all the stuff that had gotten stacked around it over the winter, hooked up the battery, gave it a quart of atf, a few pumps of the gas and it fired right up.
Last fall I had started to notice some clunking noises from the front end, particularly the right front, but couldn't spot the culprit.
Well I was poking around for leaks and noticed that all the shims had fallen out of the rear position on the upper control arm! Bolt still tight!
That explains the clunks... One more reason to pull it apart and swap those springs I guess lol. Still needs new rear tires too...
I need to pull some maintenance on the Roadmaster that I've been putting off, then it's time for the springs. I'll order some for the rear as well...

Had to move the wagon yesterday so that we could get our leaking water heater replaced, needed room to get the old one out and the new one in...
So I dug out all the stuff that had gotten stacked around it over the winter, hooked up the battery, gave it a quart of atf, a few pumps of the gas and it fired right up.
Last fall I had started to notice some clunking noises from the front end, particularly the right front, but couldn't spot the culprit.
Well I was poking around for leaks and noticed that all the shims had fallen out of the rear position on the upper control arm! Bolt still tight!
That explains the clunks... One more reason to pull it apart and swap those springs I guess lol. Still needs new rear tires too...
I need to pull some maintenance on the Roadmaster that I've been putting off, then it's time for the springs. I'll order some for the rear as well...