Spent most of the week on the '41...
Should be enough to fund ordering up my woodgrain!
Thursday I put my first chip in the paint on the wagon.
Cheapy hammer came apart as I was knocking the channels off the old glass for the Ford.
Flew right at the header panel and smacked it almost dead center, right on the edge.
You can actually see the chip in the first picture. Needless to say I was not a happy camper...
Could've been worse, but it also could've been avoided... At least I hadn't already sanded and buffed it!
That's what I get for working so close to the car. I'll fix it later in case I have any more mishaps as the rest of the car is assembled.
When the steam finally stopped shooting out of my ears, I got the rear bumper disassembled.
All the bolts came apart easily and once I wiped off the reinforcement, it looked like new... enough that I'm not even painting it.
Since I'm going without the rub-strip on the bumper I had to order up new bolts that aren't going to be here for a few days.
Can't decide if I want to keep the bumper guards or not... I'll have to stare at it some more.
I'll get my tail lites polished up in the meantime and I can throw it all together later this week.
Tomorrow the glass guy is coming back out to install the windshield.
I guess after my bad one, they had a hard time getting their hands on a good one so it took a few extra days.
Which doesn't bother me, it's not like the thing is going anywhere, but it'll be nice to check it off the list...
Planning on hitting the junkyard on wednesday or thursday, supposed to be 70* and sunny!