Time for an update!
August was busy, but I was able to at least keep up some progress...
I got a lot done, but not the type of stuff that photographs well, if you know what I mean.
Most of what it boiled down to was that I was too lazy to do my homework as to what I was going to do about the woodgrain...
I needed to pick a color, a material, find a vendor, and see if I even felt comfortable doing it myself or having it done by the pros, etc...
These types of things don't go well with my level of A.D.D., so I simply just put them off until I finally hit the point on the car that I couldn't go any further without the woodgrain. Which is pretty typical for how I do things...
So as you saw, I at least made the first step several weeks ago by getting some samples to stare at for several hours.
Well I made my final decision and ordered the vinyl on friday!
I'm not going to say which shade I picked, other than it is not one of the four samples I posted lol...
Those samples were 3M vinyl, and the amount I need to do the car would've cost almost $700! Yeah, see why I've been dragging my feet?
I ended up finding another brand, that only makes 1 color for less than 1/3 the price. That solves the color choice problem haha!
So instead, I'm getting enough material to do the car plus extra for when I inevitably **** it up, on sale for $140.
Plus $40 for another roll of pinstriping tape, and even if I screw it up so bad that I have to completely redo the whole car, TWICE, I'll still be money ahead of buying the fancy stuff... That's a decision that makes itself!
The only thing I've got for you guys that was picture-worthy is the the freshly sanded and buffed header panel...