84 H/O restoration Questions

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Jul 7, 2013
I'm about to start a frame off restoration on my 84 H/O.

I have owned the car since 89 and have not driven it much in the last 10 years.

It is an original Canadian car. t-roof, power windows, a/c.

It has the usual issues. Frame, Doors, Floor, etc.

I'm going to look at a couple Cutlasses for parts cars. The same guy has a 86 and a 87.

They are both in decent shape. he has started to restore the 86.

Would I be crazy to pull the 86 right apart and and start by sand blasting the frame and rebuild my H/O on that frame?

Would I be crazy to pull the 86 right apart and and start by sand blasting the frame and rebuild my H/O on that frame?

If your frame has significant issues with rust in the typical body bushing areas and or other places and you don't have much metal fab. experience, AND the 86 car is in better condition with NO frame issues..........id say swap frames. BUT, if the other frame is still attached to the body and you don't know whats under it, then id say hold off until you know and the cost of buying the 86 needs to make the swap not only easier because its parts are in better condition but also more economical because less time/money put into the overall project. How much has been started and finished on the 86? Are you able to see the inside of the body and frame on the 86 to see if much of what you need to replace on your H/O is a simple swap out? Post pics of your progress, WE LOVE PICS!
If you can get the 86' cheap and its a base model car I wouldn't feel guilty using it to restore an H/O.

There may be a few differences though...For one, the transmission crossmember mount may be different. There were a few varieties of the 200 4R weldment mount on the drivers side. It would work fine but may not be correct for an all out restoration.
The 86 is a t-roof car as is my H/O
the 87 is a sother US car

What would be considered cheap for the donor 86?

The 87 needs a driver floor and a carpet. would likely fix it and sell it.

The 86 has the interior stripped and some body work completed.

I am very mechanical .. but no body man.. My intentions is to do all the mechanical stuff myself and leave the body work and paint to a professional.

I'm going to look at the cars on Saturday... What all should I check out on them?
I want the H/O as original as possible.. Any parts that are different on the H/O will be switched to the 86 frame.

I have never seen the point of modifying and H/O or 442.

A regular Cutlass change all you want.

Maybe I should keep the 87.. find a 455 or 403 and ......
ljm said:
The 86 is a t-roof car as is my H/O
the 87 is a sother US car

What would be considered cheap for the donor 86?

Is the car complete minus the fact that its been torn apart for a restoration start? Is the interior in good condition? Does it have an engine, does it run? Things to consider. Realize that whatever you don't use on the H/O, you can put back on the 86 or try atleast selling the 86 as a parts car itself, or part it out and get rid of it piece by piece. It would ultimately be nice that if you buy both the 86 and 87 that your money spent is recouped in the parts needed to restore your 84 and whats left for parts is either paying for more work on the 84 or money in your pocket. Either way, get the 84 fixed and off the rest, as either part out or parts car missing a few parts. $1500.00 -$2000.00 for both together and see what his counter is, unless you already know what hes asking. Do you?
Yes he is asking more that that. But he is motivated..

I was thinking that 2000 range.. I'll feel him out
Look up Tobyp's thread on here he is just about done with what you are about to start. There is a lot of good info there & detailed pics.
galeaiii said:
Look up Tobyp's thread on here he is just about done with what you are about to start. There is a lot of good info there & detailed pics.

Sounds like my exact situation!!
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