It was t-boned on the driver’s side A pillar and the frame is trashed. So the chip scene is dishonest and fraudulent? My thinking is that I can double my horsepower and drivability by doing a easy engine and transmission swap for under 1500 bucks that’s gotta be a win.
Before personal computers in order to do any ECM tuning you had to rely on a dude half way across the US to burn a chip for you.
Now that personal computers and software that allows you to do your own tuning is a thing (post 2005!) paying someone to burn a tune onto a chip for you is a scam.
The reason (IMO) so many turbo buicks blow headgaskets is that people crank the boost and timing up and when something minorly wrong happens, like an injector sticks, fuel pump pressure is low, or a 1000 other things instead of having your laptop next to you and allowing you to see what is going on and dialing the fuel and spark in for your combo, you rely on the 'chip' to know what is going on.
There are a ton of plug and play ECM options these days that allow you to scan, log, and edit the tune as it is happening instead of paying a guy a down payment to buy their chip and $100 every time to modify and guess what the car needs.