Great idea. But, there's not a rainbow attached to it, otherwise it likely would be.If you asked me, it really needs to be a federal holiday given how much can be traced to that day.
Funny how there's an entire month dedicated to others less deserving, yet veterans and KIA are only honored one day. At least it is separately so it makes it a grand total of 2 days per year. It's sadder, yet, that some people can't tell you why they even have those holidays in the first place.
I was working night shifts, and was home asleep that morning when my wife called from her work to wake me and tell me what was going on and to turn on the news on the TV. I did and it was just awful. Heart-wrenching to see, and at that point they didn't have a clear understanding as to what all was happening and who was behind it all. Then the 2nd plane hit the towers. Scary? Yes. Where was it going to end? How many planes were hi-jacked that morning? Were we at war?
My shock slowly turned to sadness, then to anger and wanted some accountability. And just yesterday, I was angered again by someone who blew off visiting one of the sites or at least being in D.C. When that particular someone shows the world they don't care, the moral fabric of the U.S. is damaged to a degree I don't think we can recover from. Especially United Flight 93. Innocent people fought the terrorists and gave their lives to protect many more in D.C., only to have the some of the people who represent those who were saved turn their backs on their legacy. That's some kind of gratitude, isn't it?
"Some people did something..." to say that is the dumbest dumbazz thing to say, ever.
Heroes. That day was full of them.