A Call to Action

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yeah silly lil knife laws ... in this picture the left 3 are autos ... 2 I bought that way and the "Desert Tan" I dropped my own spring into. On the right is a liner lock version of the same knife ... it's perfectly legal ... now tell me what makes it less dangerous than the other 3? Heck, both tan knives were legal till I dropped that spring in. Call me odd but if I can carry one ... I should be able to carry any.
srercrcr said:
I've seen a few bumper stickers that say SECEDE in front of a Texas state flag background. That should go over big on this forum. The Civil War continues. The South is an embarrassment.

So a few bumper stickers shape your opinion of an entire region? Sounds to me like you are using them to justify your own narrow minded prejudices, just like your Democratic forefathers who used their prejudices to justify slavery and segregation.
There's plenty of statistics that reveal the disparities of the South without any need for prejudices.
srercrcr said:
There's plenty of statistics that reveal the disparities of the South without any need for prejudices.

Who's statistics and how were they obtained? What disparities? Once again, you make broad based generalizations without supporting evidence. THAT is what prejudices are. It is like the old Democrats who used to say all black people are lazy and stupid because they are black. You are doing the same thing by painting an entire region with the same broad brush, thus once again proving my point that many Democrats are extremely prejudiced, elitists. Thank you for once again proving that I am right. For the record, I am a native New Yorker. I just refuse to live in a state that wants to bankrupt it's citizens through excessive taxation and programs to redistribute the income of the productive to the useless, the lazy and the irresponsible.
To think Democrats are prejudiced or elitists is absurd. Democrats are inclusive. How the hel* do you think social progress was ever made in the last 50 years?
Well, let's see here... A far larger percentage of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats. The racist governors of southern states that tried to stop desegregation were all Democrats (Wallace, Faubos, etc.). Go watch "Eyes on the Prize" again on PBS (one of my all time favorite documentaries!). Remember that during the 1960's, southern politics were ruled mostly by the Democratic party due to their hatred of Lincoln which made it hard for a Republican to get elected due to the racial politics. Also: Define social progress. If you mean racial equality, that has always been a Republican stance, dating back to the time of Lincoln. If you mean granting special rights based on ethnicity, that is not, nor should it be. I will also add that if throwing money at a problem and Democratic programs have brought us such a huge amount of progress, why is the poverty rate essentially unchanged since before LBJ's Great Society? If anything it has proven a colossal failure and has done nothing but destroy families in poor communities.

Plus, your own words prove you as prejudiced against southerners and conservatives.
"A far larger percentage of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats. "

I'm tired of your shiftiness. Southern Democrats (almost to a man) were conservatives. Those Demoscrats voted NO, thereby distorting your statistics.

NO, and I do mean NONE, of the Southern House or Senate Republicans voted for the VTA of '64. That is one piece of evidence you were looking for as to the South being an embarrassment. The South was against voting rights for ALL Americans.

I rest my case that the South is an embarrassment and that Democrats lead the charge for social change, being defined as Modern Democrats.

PLEASE, tell me your not a PoliSci major.
Please tell my YOU'RE not a poli sci major!!

The only change democrats are interested in is the change of money from my pocket to someone else's pocket WHO DIDN'T EARN IT. Period.

Every "change" brought about by democrats has been nothing but theft of my freedoms, one small chunk at a time.

Modern democrats claim continuity with "conservative" democrats of the 60's? Are you nuts? The truth is that democrats have never been conservative in modern times (from 1900-present) and republicans are not doing much better. Democrats have spent their careers trying to reform and change America from a great thing to leftovers. Its sad.

Stop trying to change things that don't need changing. The government does not control people's minds. If you think people are treated differently due to their race or whatever, then you need to change people's minds. Changing or inventing communist laws only hurt those you are trying to help.

Do you think blacks are better off now than they were in the 60's? Really? They have been under the jack boot of democrats so long that they are like drug addicts. Democrats have convinced them that they will be helped if they vote for them and what do they get? How is their position in society elevated? Because Obama is president? Are you serious? The state of the black family today is WORSE than ever before. Black on black crime is higher, broken families are higher among blacks now, youth crime, you name it.

I thought your social justice and social programs were supposed to fix all that. They didn't. You know why? Because treating blacks and other minorities like victims doesn't help them at all. It only helps politicians gain and keep power. Democrats at the top of the political spectrum don't care about blacks or anyone else. The ones at the bottom who care are being used as useful idiots to do the will of those at the top. And they are hurting everyone they try to help.

You can't teach someone about personal responsibility by taking it away and you can't give someone self respect by giving them my money after you take it away.[/quote]
isn't the heavy political banter frowned on? and did we lose site of the OP's subject?
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