Yeah mine are not the best looking...and the guy that helped me used an impact on them to take them they are blown out. I figured id just get something new and use a friend to hold the backs while I tighten them..even the ones on ebay do not have those notches/tabs. It's not that hard to get to mine as I can easily pop my spring out since I have hydraulics. 🙂 I'll get some grade 8 12mm bolts, having to shim them you guys think a 2" bolt will be long enough? Also thx again for the shim local Merels Auto had a box of them to be today for $14 for 50!! Same ones you posted!12mm sounds right. Are your stock bolts in bad shape? I ask since the stock bolts have a 'tab' pressed onto them which prevents them from spinning when you remove the nut. It would be difficult to get a setup on the bolt head to back it up.