I was headed to parts store and about 3 miles into my journey, the blower motor shut off. I came back home and checked the big 4 pole plug in by the rear RH valve cover. The plug was melted. I cut off the melted end of the plug and crimped on some insulated female spades and plugged them in. I test drove it again and about a mile into drive the AC compressor shut off and the vents were blowing warm air. So the blower motor is working on high but compressor clutch not engaging. I never hear the AC clutch cycling, it just always stays engaged when AC is turned on at the control panel. I checked all AC parts plug ins and nothing is jumped or messed with other than the 134 changeover previous owner done. Could this thing be low on Freon? It's been about 10 years since I changed one to 134 and charged in the driveway. I charge it on the small aluminum line right? I know it probably needs the leak found and O rings swapped with a new drier and orifice tube but don't want to get into that right now. I seen a commercial for AC Pro and it is at my local WalMart. Don't know if it has the correct end to plug into my line. The adapter for 134 is on that small line port on my ElCamino