Oldsmoletick said:What I believe my friend did in his 98 Wrangler (offroader), was simply just removed the bags. The cherokees are nice because you can do this with no obvious evidence. The SDM should only keep a charge for the air bags for a short period of time (it is 1 minute on GM's, likely similar on chryslers). So disconnect the battery, and walk away for a while, then you can remove the steering wheel cover take out the bag, and put the cover back on, without knocking yourself out, lol. :lol: Double check with your local chryco dealer on the time frame though, just to be safe.
I should have waited 30 seconds for you before I posted .....funny thing is I searched the Jeep site I'm on for air bag removal and nothing came up. I figured all the guys who go offroading has to remove the air bag and the instructions would there.