Powered RFID would be possible if there was a way to uniquely identify each vehicle and have it transmit its odometer reading or some GPS data when it passed a reader
Currently, this is kinda already done with the "Fast Lane/EZ Pass" transponders, (although you can swap them into any vehicle, no different to legislate against like license plates). These do utilize a unique ID number that is tied to your personal pre-paid State Toll Account. When you get onto the Mass Turnpike or any of the similar automated transponder toll roads, the system gets your transponder ID number, which pulls up your RMV/DMV data & your account, from which, the system automatically deducts "X" amount of money when you exit the toll road. If your account is low, it lights a yellow light telling you, & if your account is empty, it not only records that, but snaps a picture of your car and plate, & generates a bill to you. The system records miles travelled, times on/exiting, which is alraedy capable of doing the calculations of avg speed... however Mass hasnt pushed that aspect... yet... no automated speed cameras yet, but they do issue automated tickets for bypassing the toll collectors. Although it doesnt tie into your Odometer, it does track your mileage while on the tollway... that can be used to find patterns of driving and estimates... and can be compared to your yearly mileage history.
In Mass, tolls are Pre-Designated from Point A to Point B for every entry/exit point and by mileage between exits, the manual "toll ticket" includes a full graph for every combination of Point A to Point B travel, so there is no guesswork involved. Massachusetts system already calculates the mileage between points... every highway could be readily equipped, albeit expensive. Non-highway mileage would indeed be tougher to track, but again, a combination of current technology and some development can overcome this... especially considering that the rollout is staggered into steps and advances with technology. And it would not take much for a given State to force companies to include a mileage capability... people thought that installing breath-alizer ignition locks in cars was impossible... its done routinely in Mass to repeat OUI Offenders while on probation.
Put on your tinfoil hats... the technology is there to track everyone in real time... we watched it Live on tv.. ie the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Manhunt... a serious amount of technology, firepower, & manpower were brought to bear... they had them tracked to a small area a handfull of blocks wide, then caught up with the lone brother... albeit this was a unique occurance and required a lot of resources, that same technology is already in place and is constantly being improved... The Galaxy S3 Im typing on right now, is streaming accuradio and performing a number of tasks.... with far more capability, data, and speed than the PC I had 10 years ago... and light years more than the Atari 2600 I had as a kid.