It does make the survivors more valuable, but it also makes the parts tougher to come by.
Not being a circle track fan, I didn't know of their G-body craze until I bought my latest Cutlass. My supervisor (who takes summer Saturdays off religously for raceday) informed me of the circle track, I posted to a couple of local raceway forums ISO "any G-body parts." I figured they'd flood my inbox with offers, but no. I got ZERO response...this, for a guy willing to pay good money for parts they were probably going to toss.
I don't really mind a car getting its 5 seconds of fame on TV. It's a shame to ruin it, really, but at least it's famous for a few seconds. The circle track guys, I feel, couldn't care less...and from my experience, don't care about the real G-body enthusiasts.