HOLY ****!!!!
man im sorry if you had a bad experiance with the shops
some ppl just have the balls to work like that
ive been a tech for 15 years and my return rate is like 2% and those where for the occasional tool left on the floor or the seat ^^
if the shop owner has any clue he needs to tell his
POS shop manager to rectify the problem for FREE!!!!!!
or risk having a bad name put on his shop
if i had the cash and a place id start up my own shop where "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT"!!!!!!!!
really strips my gears to hear that *ssh*les still rule
if anybody is in the tampa STpeters area ill tell you a Fanstasic shop to go to
TITAN auto owned and operated by my sons godfather and good friend Rob glasmyer
on 66th and park blvd